Strain sc|0022648

Strain numbers

ATCC 12568 = BA-3572 = CBS 695.72 = DSM 40473 = IFO 13394 = IFO 13907 = ISP 5473 = JCM 4694 = JCM 4812 = KCC S-694 = KCC S-812 = NBRC 13394 = NBRC 13907 = NRRL B-12386 = NRRL B-5464 = NRRL ISP-5473 = RIA 1355 = VKM Ac-878
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 38560

Streptomyces abikoensis (not Streptomyces parvisporogenes)
Cultures (16)
ATCC 12568 = IFO 13394 = DSM 40473 = JCM 4694 = NRRL B-12386 = NRRL B-5464 = VKM Ac-878 = JCM 4812 = IFO 13907 = CBS 695.72 = NBRC 13394 = NBRC 13907 = BCRC 16218 = CCRC 16218 = KCTC 19964 = CGMCC 4.1744
Other Designations (11)
BA 3572 = Pfizer 150 = IPV 1972 = NRRL ISP 5473 = FD 12073 = RIA 1355 = KCC S-0812 = NRRL B-B-12386 = KCC S-0694 = ISP 5473 = BA-3572
Sequences (12)
Associated Publications (1)
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02238-0
    Hatano K, Nishii T, Kasai H (2003). Taxonomic re-evaluation of whorl-forming Streptomyces (formerly Streptoverticillium) species by using phenotypes, DNA–DNA hybridization and sequences of gyrB, and proposal of Streptomyces luteireticuli (ex Katoh and Arai 1957) corrig., sp. nov., nom. rev.
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 8 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 18 days ago
  • Last modified 8 days ago
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