Pichinoty F, Waterbury JB, Asselineau J, Mandel M
[Bacillus gordonae sp. nov., a new species belonging to the second morphological group, degrading various aromatic compounds].
Heyndrickx M, Scheldeman P, Logan NA, Kersters K, Berkeley RCW, Hoste B, De vos P, Ali N, Vandemeulebroecke K, Aziz AM
Paenibacillus (Formerly Bacillus) gordonae (Pichinoty et. al. 1986) Ash et al. 1994 Is a Later Subjective Synonym of Paenibacillus (Formerly Bacillus) validus (Nakamura 1984) Ash et al. 1994: Emended Description of P. validus
Pichinoty F, Mandel M
The isolation and properties of a mesophilicBacillus species utilizing quinate,p-hydroxybenzoate, and phthalate as sources of carbon and energy
Heyndrickx M, Scheldeman P, Logan NA, Kersters K, Berkeley RCW, De vos P, Ali N, Vandemeulebroecke K, Aziz AM
A Polyphasic Reassessment of the Genus Paenibacillus, Reclassification of Bacillus lautus (Nakamura 1984) as Paenibacillus lautus comb. nov. and of Bacillus peoriae (Montefusco et al. 1993) as Paenibacillus peoriae comb. nov., and Emended Descriptions of P. lautus and of P. peoriae