Vaneechoutte M, Kämpfer P, Falsen E, De baere T, Verschraegen G
Wautersia gen. nov., a novel genus accommodating the phylogenetic lineage including Ralstonia eutropha and related species, and proposal of Ralstonia [Pseudomonas] syzygii (Roberts et al. 1990) comb. nov.
Coenye T, Vancanneyt M, Kersters K, Govan JRW, Vandamme P, Falsen E, Hoste B
Classification of Alcaligenes faecalis-like isolates from the environment and human clinical samples as Ralstonia gilardii sp. nov.
Moissenet D, Vu-thien H, Arlet G, Garbarg-chenon A, Bidet P
<i>Ralstonia paucula</i>
(Formerly CDC Group IV c-2): Unsuccessful Strain Differentiation with PCR-Based Methods, Study of the 16S-23S Spacer of the rRNA Operon, and Comparison with Other
Species (
<i>R. eutropha</i>
<i>R. pickettii</i>
<i>R. gilardii</i>
, and
<i>R. solanacearum</i>