Johnson JL, Cummins CS
Cell Wall Composition and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Similarities Among the Anaerobic Coryneforms, Classical Propionibacteria, and Strains of<i>Arachnia propionica</i>
Oren A, Garrity GM
Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 66, part 11, of the IJSEM
Scholz CFP, Kilian M
The natural history of cutaneous propionibacteria, and reclassification of selected species within the genus Propionibacterium to the proposed novel genera Acidipropionibacterium gen. nov., Cutibacterium gen. nov. and Pseudopropionibacterium gen. nov.
Schleifer KH, Plapp R, Kandler O
Glycine as crosslinking bridge in the LL-diaminopimelic acid containing murein of Propionibacterium peterssonii.
Riedel KH, Wingfield BD, Britz TJ
Identification of classical Propionibacterium species using 16S rDNA-restriction fragment length polymorphisms.