Uetz T, Egli T, Schneider R, Snozzi M
Purification and characterization of a two-component monooxygenase that hydroxylates nitrilotriacetate from "Chelatobacter" strain ATCC 29600
Kampfer P, Neef A, Salkinoja-salonen MS, Buss H
Chelatobacter heintzii (Auling et al. 1993) is a later subjective synonym of Aminobacter aminovorans (Urakami et al. 1992).
Auling G, Egli T, Busse H, Stackebrandt E, El-banna T
Description of the Gram-Negative, Obligately Aerobic, Nitrilotriacetate (NTA)-Utilizing Bacteria as Chelatobacter heintzii, gen. nov., sp. nov., and Chelatococcus asaccharovorans, gen. nov., sp. nov.