Von wintzingerode F, Rösick U, Göbel UB, Siddiqui RA, Gross R, Schattke A
Bordetella petrii sp. nov., isolated from an anaerobic bioreactor, and emended description of the genus Bordetella.
Vandamme P, Vancanneyt M, Kersters K, Cookson B, Monsieurs M, Blackall PJ, Wirsing von König CH, Hommez J, Hoste B
Bordetella hinzii sp. nov., isolated from poultry and humans.
Vandamme P, Vancanneyt M, Kersters K, De vos P, Hinz K, Falsen E, Hoste B, Heyndrickx M
Bordetella trematum sp. nov., Isolated from Wounds and Ear Infections in Humans, and Reassessment of Alcaligenes denitrificans Ruger and Tan 1983