Strain sc|0027480

StrainInfo: SI-ID 12964 T

Shewanella oneidensis
Sediment (US)
Cultures (6)
LMG 19005 = ATCC 700550 = CIP 106686 = BCRC 17276 = CCRC 17276 = NCIMB 14063
Other Designations (6)
MR-1 = LMG 19005T QC oorspr = NC-004347 = VKPM B-9861 = LMG 19005T QC 12/99 = LMG19005T QC 8/05
Sequences (1)
Associated Publications (4)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-49-2-705
    Venkateswaran K, Moser DP, Burghardt J, Saffarini DA, Sano H, Lies DP, Nishijima M, Ringelberg DB, Dollhopf ME, Macgregor BJ, Nealson KH, Stackebrandt E, White DC (1999). Polyphasic taxonomy of the genus Shewanella and description of Shewanella oneidensis sp. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02997-0
    Ivanova EP, Christen R, Flavier S (2004). Phylogenetic relationships among marine Alteromonas-like proteobacteria: emended description of the family Alteromonadaceae and proposal of Pseudoalteromonadaceae fam. nov., Colwelliaceae fam. nov., Shewanellaceae fam. nov., Moritellaceae fam. nov., Ferrimonadaceae fam. nov., Idiomarinaceae fam. nov. and Psychromonadaceae fam. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1472-4669.2010.00270.X
    Picard A, Oger PM, Bleuet P, Cardon H, Kieffer I, Daniel I, Testemale D (2011). Monitoring microbial redox transformations of metal and metalloid elements under high pressure using in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
  • DOI: 10.1016/J.GCA.2012.04.030
    Picard A, Testemale D, Hazemann J, Daniel I (2012). The influence of high hydrostatic pressure on bacterial dissimilatory iron reduction
Outside links and data sources
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  • Registered 2 months ago
  • Last modified 2 months ago
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