Strain sc|0028666

Strain numbers

891 = ATCC 25835 = CFBP 4266 = CIP 100331 = DSM 20577 = IFO 15015 = JCM 3160 = LMG 4072 = NBRC 15015 = NCIB 10587 = NCIMB 10587 = NCTC 11973 = NRRL B-8019 = Ørskov strain 27 = VKM Ac-1024
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 13609 T

Oerskovia turbataT
Soil (DK)
Cultures (26)
LMG 4072 = ATCC 25835 = DSM 20577 = DSM 43880 = IFO 13506 = IMET 7405 = JCM 3160 = NCIB 10587 = NCTC 11973 = NCIMB 10587 = CIP 100331 = CCUG 17963 = IFO 15015 = KCTC 9084 = NRRL B-8019 = CCM 4093 = CIP 81.27 = AS 4.1139 = NBRC 13506 = NBRC 15015 = NCIB 10585 = CFBP 4266 = CCT 3029 = IAM 14867 = CGMCC 4.1139 = VKM Ac-1024
Other Designations (26)
891 = rskov strain 27 = rskov 27 = Goodfellow N32 = NRLL B-8019 = AB 1476 = CCTM La 3193 = Goodfellow N414 = SS891 = LautropAB1476 = Statens Seruminstitut Copenhagen 891 = Veldkamp N32 = Orskov strain 27 = IMSNU 21326 = SSIC 891 = GoodfellowN414 = RIA 1564 = Oerskov 27 = Orskov27 = IFM 10527 = J. Oerskov 27 = Lechevalier891 = Lautrop AB1476 = KCC A-0160 = IMRU 689 = N32
Sequences (8)
Associated Publications (9)
  • DOI: 10.1128/AM.19.3.534-534.1970
    Prauser H, Lechevalier MP, Lechevalier H (1970). Description of <i>Oerskovia</i> gen. n. to Harbor Ørskov's Motile <i>Nocardia</i>
  • DOI: 10.1128/AM.19.3.527-533.1970
    Sukapure RS, Lechevalier MP, Reber H, Lechevalier HA, Prauser H, Higgins ML (1970). Motile Nocardoid <i>Actinomycetales</i>
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-11-2-198
    Erikson D (1954). Factors Promoting Cell Division in a 'Soft' Mycelial Type of Nocardia: Nocardia turbata n.sp.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-45-4-649
    Rainey FA, Stackebrandt E, Weiss N (1995). Phylogenetic analysis of the genera Cellulomonas, Promicromonospora, and Jonesia and proposal to exclude the genus Jonesia from the family Cellulomonadaceae.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-52-4-1105
    Stackebrandt E, Breymann S, Prauser H, Steiner U, Schumann P, Weiss N (2002). Re-evaluation of the status of the genus Oerskovia, reclassification of Promicromonospora enterophila (Jáger et al. 1983) as Oerskovia enterophila comb. nov. and description of Oerskovia jenensis sp. nov. and Oerskovia paurometabola sp. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-100-2-221
    Collins MD, Pirouz T, Goodfellow M, Minnikin DE (1977). Distribution of Menaquinones in Actinomycetes and Corynebacteria
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-69-1-33
    Goodfellow M (1971). Numerical Taxonomy of Some Nocardioform Bacteria
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-30-1-225
    Skerman VBD, Mcgowan V, Sneath PHA (1980). Approved Lists of Bacterial Names
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.02084-0
    Stackebrandt E (2002). Re-evaluation of the status of the genus Oerskovia, reclassification of Promicromonospora enterophila (Jager et al. 1983) as Oerskovia enterophila comb. nov. and description of Oerskovia jenensis sp. nov. and Oerskovia paurometabola sp. nov
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  • Registered 18 days ago
  • Last modified 8 days ago
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