Strain sc|0028835

Strain numbers

ATCC 6051 = ATCC 6051-U = BCRC 10255 = CCM 2216 = CCRC 10255 = CCUG 163 = CCUG 163 B = CFBP 4228 = CIP 52.65 = DSM 10 = IAM 12118 = IFO 13719 = IFO 16412 = IMET 10758 = JCM 1465 = LMG 7135 = NBRC 13719 = NBRC 16412 = NCAIM B.01095 = NCCB 32009 = NCCB 53016 = NCCB 70064 = NCDO 1769 = NCFB 1769 = NCIMB 3610 = NCTC 3610 = NRRL B-4219 = NRRL NRS-1315 = NRRL NRS-744 = VKM B-501
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 34732 T

Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis (not Bacillus subtilisT)
Cultures (59)
LMG 7135 = ATCC 6051 = CCM 2216 = CECT 39 = DSM 10 = IAM 12118 = IFO 12210 = JCM 1465 = NCFB 1769 = NCIMB 3610 = NCTC 3610 = IFO 13719 = NCIB 3610 = IMET 10758 = NCDO 1769 = CCRC 10255 = NCAIM B.01095 = IFO 16412 = VKM B-501 = CIP 5265 = LMD 32.9 = LMD 53.16 = LMD 70.64 = NRRL NRS-1315 = VTT E-70009 = CECT 497 = NRRL NRS-744 = KCTC 3135 = KCTC 3555 = NBRC 13719 = NBRC 16412 = NRRL B-4219 = NCCB 32009 = NCCB 53016 = NCCB 70064 = NBRC 12210 = BCRC 10255 = CFBP 4228 = CCT 0516 = CCT 0480 = CCT 1940 = CCT 2471 = CCT 2576 = CCT 3131 = IMET 10 = ICMP 12486 = NBIMCC 1710 = NBIMCC 2353 = NCIMB 30161 = NCIM 2920 = CDBB 916 = CDBB 39 = ACM 40 = VKM B-758 = CNCTC 5615 = CGMCC 1.3358 = VTT E-97009 = CIP 52.65 = CCUG 163 B
Other Designations (50)
ATCC 6051-U = 168 = Marburg = Logan B0014 = ATCC 6051a = VKM B- 758 = Wallerstein Co. Inc. P31K6 = P31K6 = Gordon 744 = USCC 1414 = Marburg strain = NRS 1315 = Smith N.R. 1315 = Smith N.R., 744 = Smith 744 = NZRM 143 = IEMBs18/66 = VKM501 = DB-1 = Smith 1315 = Hankey B12 = LMG 7135T QC 11/99 = Wallersterin Co. Inc. P31K6 = N. R. Smith 744 = LMG 7135T QC 4/02 = IEM BS1866 = Smith N.R. 744 = VKM B 919 = N.R.Smith1315 = Marburg N.R.Smith744 = Smith N.R., 1315 = 744 = CNCTC Bs 18/66 = HNCMB101020 = CCTM La 3675 = CCEB 642 = FIRDI 255 = OUT 8352 = AJ 1315 = Conn = BGSC 3A1 = CNCM 52.65 = LMG7135T QC 7/04 = CN 5638 = DSMZ 10 = 1315 = N.R. Smith 744 = N.R. Smith 1315 = NRS 744 = LMG 7135T QC 2/02
Sequences (54)
Associated Publications (21)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-46-4-988
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  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-49-3-1211
    Nakamura LK, Cohan FM, Roberts MS (1999). Note: Relationship of Bacillus subtilis clades associated with strains 168 and W23: A proposal for Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis subsp. nov. and Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii subsp. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-46-2-470
    Roberts MS, Nakamura LK, Cohan FM (1996). Bacillus vallismortis sp. nov., a Close Relative of Bacillus subtilis, Isolated from Soil in Death Valley, California
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00294190
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    Evans DG, Wardlaw AC (1953). Gelatinase and Collagenase Production by certain Species of Bacillus
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    Hills GM (1950). Chemical Factors in the Germination of Spore-bearing Aerobes: Observations on the Influence of Species, Strain and Conditions of Growth
  • DOI: 10.1016/0006-3002(63)90060-X
  • DOI: 10.1128/BR.36.4.407-477.1972
    Schleifer KH, Kandler O (1972). Peptidoglycan types of bacterial cell walls and their taxonomic implications
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    Ochi K (1995). Phylogenetic Analysis of Mycolic Acid-Containing Wall-Chemotype IV Actinomycetes and Allied Taxa by Partial Sequencing of Ribosomal Protein AT-L30
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    Kaneko T, Aizawa K, Nozaki R (1978). Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness between Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis.
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00393567
    Shida O, Takagi H, Kadowaki K, Yano H, Komagata K (1996). Differentiation of species in the Bacillus brevis group and the Bacillus aneurinolyticus group based on the electrophoretic whole-cell protein pattern.
  • DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.50.1.156
    MCCARTHY BJ, BOLTON ET (1963). An approach to the measurement of genetic relatedness among organisms.
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.11.6.740-742.1980
    Sinor M (1980). Propagating <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> Spores in a Liquid Medium for the Guthrie Bioassay
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.33.4.787-790.1995
    West B, Mabey D, Ballard RC, Changalucha J, Patel S, Wilson SM, Mayaud P (1995). Simplified PCR for detection of Haemophilus ducreyi and diagnosis of chancroid
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-16-1-1
    Norris JR (1957). A Bacteriolytic Principle Associated with Cultures of Bacillus cereus
  • DOI: 10.1016/0926-6550(63)90060-4
    Balassa G (1963). Renouvellement de l'acide ribonucléique au cours de la sporulation de Bacillus subtilis
  • DOI: 10.1001/JAMA.1961.03040470079020
    Stephenson J (1961). The Basic Position of Samuel Hahnemann
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.33.4.445-447.1937
    John-brooks RS, Breed RS (1937). Actions Taken by the Second International Microbiological Congress in London, 1936, Regarding Bacteriological Nomenclature
  • DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/46.4.341
    Conn HJ (1930). The Identity of Bacillus Scbtilis
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  • Last modified 16 days ago
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