Sisinthy S, Chakraborty D, Adicherla H, Gundlapally SR
Emended description of the family Chromatiaceae, phylogenetic analyses of the genera Alishewanella, Rheinheimera and Arsukibacterium, transfer of Rheinheimera longhuensis LH2-2T to the genus Alishewanella and description of Alishewanella alkalitolerans sp. nov. from Lonar Lake, India
Oren A, Garrity GM
Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations, and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 68, part 1, of the IJSEM.
Hayashi K, Hou S, Wan X, Prescott RD, Busse H, Golke J, Anderson J, Chain PSG, Donachie SP
Rheinheimera salexigens sp. nov., isolated from a fishing hook, and emended description of the genus Rheinheimera