Lawson PA, Vandamme P, Falsen E, Collins MD, Akervall E
Characterization of Some Actinomyces-Like Isolates from Human Clinical Specimens: Reclassification of Actinomyces suis (Soltys and Spratling) as Actinobaculum suis comb. nov. and Description of Actinobaculum schaalii sp. nov.
Ludwig W, Weizenegger M, Kirchhof G, Weiss N
Phylogenetic Evidence for the Transfer of Eubacterium suis to the Genus Actinomyces as Actinomyces suis comb. nov.
Oren A, Garrity GM
Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations, and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 65, part 2, of the IJSEM
Yassin AF, Spröer C, Schumann P, Sylvester M, Pukall R, Siering C
Dissection of the genus Actinobaculum: Reclassification of Actinobaculum schaalii Lawson et al. 1997 and Actinobaculum urinale Hall et al. 2003 as Actinotignum schaalii gen. nov., comb. nov. and Actinotignum urinale comb. nov., description of Actinotignum sanguinis sp. nov. and emended descriptions of the genus Actinobaculum and Actinobaculum suis; and re-examination of the culture deposited as Actinobaculum massiliense CCUG 47753T ( = DSM 19118T), revealing that it does not represent a strain of this species