Strain sc|0035921

StrainInfo: SI-ID 3187 T

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Cultures (40)
LMG 9433 = ATCC 4356 = CCUG 5917 = DSM 20079 = IFO 13951 = IMET 10710 = JCM 1132 = LMG 13550 = LMG 7943 = LMG 8150 = NCFB 1748 = NCIMB 8690 = NRRL B-4495 = NCIB 8690 = NCDO 1748 = NCTC 12980 = CCRC 10695 = CECT 903 = KCTC 3164 = NCIMB 701748 = VKM B-1660 = NCDO 1746 = HAMBI 84 = VTT E-87276 = CIP 10695 = KCTC 3111 = CCM 4833 = NBRC 13951 = NRRL B-4239 = NCCB 98067 = LMD 98.67 = BCRC 10695 = CCT 2949 = CCT 3258 = CCT 5049 = CDBB 1026 = NRRL B-23431 = CGMCC 1.1878 = VTT E-96276 = CIP 76.13
Other Designations (29)
IID 893 = NRIC 1547 = M. Rogosa 210X = Scav HansenL917 = DSMZ 20079 = ACA-DC 0111 = P.A. Hansen L 917 = NRIC 0694 = University Maryland L917 = LMG 9433TQC9/95 = I 917 = Rogosa 210X = VPI 6032 = Scav = LMG 7943TQC1/00 = LMG 9433QC11/02 = Kulp SCAV = FIRDI 695 = Hansen L917 = LMG 9433T QC 2/98 = PRSF-L306 = Kulp strain Scav = 210x = WDCM 00098 = W.L. Kulp strain Scav = EC-Target Strain 1 = CCTM 1828 = PCM 249 = L917
Sequences (52)
Associated Publications (16)
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.179.6.1837-1845.1997
    Auvray F, Ritzenthaler P, Coddeville M, Dupont L (1997). Plasmid integration in a wide range of bacteria mediated by the integrase of Lactobacillus delbrueckii bacteriophage mv4.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-57-1-105
    Mills CK (1969). Agglutinating antigens of Lactobacillus jugurti ATCC 521.
  • DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/110.3.258
    EFTHYMIOU C, HANSEN PA (1962). An antigenic analysis of Lactobacillus acidophilus.
  • DOI: 10.1093/INFDIS/170.5.1209
    Zheng HY, Cohen MS, Alcorn TM (1994). Effects of H2O2-producing lactobacilli on Neisseria gonorrhoeae growth and catalase activity.
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.179.1.284-286.1997
    Kahala M, Palva A, Savijoki K (1997). In vivo expression of the Lactobacillus brevis S-layer gene.
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1348-0421.2001.TB02618.X
    Ryu CS, Benno Y, Czajka JW, Sakamoto M (2001). Characterization of the Lactobacillus casei group and the Lactobacillus acidophilus group by automated ribotyping.
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(00)80024-7
    Ventura M, Morelli L, Callegari ML, Casas IA (2000). Rapid amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from fecal and vaginal samples.
  • DOI: 10.1271/BBB.58.910
    Yamada M, Itoh T, Toba T, Uemura J, Kitazawa H, Saito T (1994). Hemagglutination Activity of<i>Lactobacillus acidophilus</i>Group Lactic Acid Bacteria
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(99)80011-3
    Gancheva A, Vanhonacker K, Pot B, Hoste B, Kersters K (1999). A polyphasic approach towards the identification of strains belonging to Lactobacillus acidophilus and related species.
  • DOI: 10.1128/AEM.62.3.892-897.1996
    Tahara T, Oshimura M, Umezawa C, Kanatani K (1996). Isolation, partial characterization, and mode of action of Acidocin J1132, a two-component bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus JCM 1132.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-42-3-487
    Fujisawa T, Benno Y, Mitsuoka T, Yaeshima T (1992). Taxonomic Study of the Lactobacillus acidophilus Group, with Recognition of Lactobacillus gallinarum sp. nov. and Lactobacillus johnsonii sp. nov. and Synonymy of Lactobacillus acidophilus Group A3 (Johnson et al. 1980) with the Type Strain of Lactobacillus amylovorus (Nakamura 1981)
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.106.1.113-125.1971
    Gasser F, Gasser C (1971). Immunological Relationships Among Lactic Dehydrogenases in the Genera <i>Lactobacillus</i> and <i>Leuconostoc</i>
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-30-1-53
    Johnson JL, London J, Gasser F, Phelps CF, Cummins CS (1980). Taxonomy of the Lactobacillus acidophilus Group
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-44-3-435
    Takizawa S, Kojima S, Tamura S, Benno Y, Nakase T, Fujinaga S (1994). Lactobacillus kefirgranum sp. nov. and Lactobacillus parakefir sp. nov., Two New Species from Kefir Grains
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-20-3-325
    Hansen PA, Mocquot G (1970). Lactobacillus acidophilus (Moro) comb. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-139-3-513
    Pot B, Schleifer K, Descheemaeker P, Kersters K, Ludwig W, Hertel C (1993). Identification and Classification of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, L. Gasseri and L. Johnsonii Strains by SDS-PAGE and rRNA-Targeted Oligonucleotide Probe Hybridization
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  • Last modified 11 days ago
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