

‘Candidatus Protochlamydia amoebophila’, an endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba spp

Collingro et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (5)
Ca. Protochlamydia amoebophila
The obligately intracellular coccoid bacterium UWE25, a symbiont of Acanthamoeba spp., was previously identified as being related to chlamydiae based upon the presence of a chlamydia-like developmental cycle and its 16S rRNA gene sequence. Analysis of its complete genome sequence demonstrated that UWE25 shows many characteristic features of chlamydiae, including dependency on host-derived metabolites, composition of the cell envelope and the ability to thrive as an energy parasite within the cel

Novel chlamydiae in whiteflies and scale insects: endosymbionts ‘Candidatus Fritschea bemisiae’ strain Falk and ‘Candidatus Fritschea eriococci’ strain Elm

Everett et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (4)
“Fritschea bemisiae” “Fritschea eriococci”
Bacteria called ‘Fritschea’ are endosymbionts of the plant-feeding whitefly Bemisia tabaci and scale insect Eriococcus spurius. In the gut of B. tabaci, these bacteria live within bacteriocyte cells that are transmitted directly from the parent to oocytes. Whiteflies cause serious economic damage to many agricultural crops; B. tabaci fecundity and host range are less than those of Bemisia argentifolii, possibly due to the presence of this endosymbiont. The B. tabaci endosymbiont has been charact

‘Candidatus Erwinia dacicola’, a coevolved symbiotic bacterium of the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

Capuzzo et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (4)
Ca. Erwinia dacicola
The taxonomic identity of the hereditary prokaryotic symbiont of the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) was investigated. In order to avoid superficial microbial contaminants and loosely associated saprophytic biota, flies were surface-sterilized at the larval stage and reared under aseptic conditions until adult emergence. B. oleae flies originating from different geographical locations and collected at different times of the year were tested. Bacterial isolation was undertaken f

‘Candidatus Borrelia texasensis’, from the American dog tick Dermacentor variabilis

Lin et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (2)
Ca. Borrelia texasensis
TXW-1, a Borrelia strain isolated in March 1998 from an adult male Dermacentor variabilis tick feeding on a coyote from Webb county, Texas, USA, was characterized by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, RFLP and sequence analysis of flaB and rrs (16S rRNA gene), DNA–DNA hybridization analysis, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with mAbs. It shows different banding patterns in RFLP analysis of flaB and forms distinct branches in phylogenetic analysis derived from flaB and rrs gen

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’, a novel taxon from Pinus silvestris and Pinus halepensis

Schneider et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (1)
Ca. Phytoplasma pini
Pinus silvestris and Pinus halepensis trees grown in Germany and Spain, respectively, showing abnormal shoot branching, dwarfed needles and other symptoms were examined for the presence of plant-pathogenic mollicutes (phytoplasmas). While phytoplasmas could not be detected unambiguously with microscopical methods, PCR amplification using universal phytoplasma primers yielded positive results. Samples collected from symptomatic and non-symptomatic plant parts of both symptomati

‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum’, a novel small haemotropic mycoplasma from a dog

Sykes et al. (2005). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55 (1)
Ca. Mycoplasma haematoparvum
A novel small haemoplasma was detected following cytological examination of blood smears from a splenectomized dog with haemic neoplasia. The 16S rRNA and rnpB genes of the organism were partially sequenced and a phylogenetic tree constructed. The organism was most closely related to the small feline haemoplasma, ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum’ (94 % 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequence identity; 75 % rnpB) and was only distantly related to Mycoplasma haemocanis (78 % 16S rRNA gene nucleotide

Description of ‘Candidatus Helicobacter heilmannii’ based on DNA sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and urease genes

O'Rourke et al. (2004). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54 (6)
Ca. Helicobacter heilmannii
While Helicobacter pylori is accepted as the major bacterial agent of gastric disease in humans, some patients and many animals are infected with a larger, tightly helical-shaped bacterium previously referred to as ‘Helicobacter heilmannii’ or ‘Gastrospirillum hominis’. Taxonomic classification of these bacteria has been hampered by the inability to cultivate them in vitro and by the inadequate discriminatory power of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. This study describes the detection and phylog

‘Candidatus Burkholderia calva’ and ‘Candidatus Burkholderia nigropunctata’ as leaf gall endosymbionts of African Psychotria

Van Oevelen et al. (2004). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54 (6)
Ca. Burkholderia calva Ca. Burkholderia nigropunctata
Phylogenetic 16S rRNA gene analysis was used to assign the bacterial leaf-nodulating endosymbionts of two tropical African Psychotria species to the genus Burkholderia. The microsymbionts of the different Psychotria hosts were recognized as distinct and novel species of Burkholderia on the basis of relatively low intersequence similarities and sufficiently large evolutionary distances when compared with each other and their closest validly named neighbours. The obligate endosymbiotic nature of t