Jørgensen, Steffen L.


Occurrence, Diversity, and Genomes of “ Candidatus Patescibacteria” along the Early Diagenesis of Marine Sediments

Zhao et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (24)
Ca. Patescibacteria
Ultrasmall-celled “ Ca. Patescibacteria” have been estimated to account for one-quarter of the total microbial diversity on Earth, the parasitic lifestyle of which may exert a profound control on the overall microbial population size of the local ecosystems. However, their diversity and metabolic functions in marine sediments, one of the largest yet understudied ecosystems on Earth, remain virtually uncharacterized.

Introducing Candidatus Bathyanammoxibiaceae, a family of bacteria with the anammox potential present in both marine and terrestrial environments

Zhao et al. (2022). ISME Communications 2 (1)
Ca. Bathyanammoxibiaceae Ca. Brocadiales
AbstractAnaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) bacteria are a group of extraordinary bacteria exerting a major impact on the global nitrogen cycle. Their phylogenetic breadth and diversity, however, are not well constrained. Here we describe a new, deep-branching family in the order of Candidatus Brocadiales, Candidatus Bathyanammoxibiaceae, members of which have genes encoding the key enzymes of the anammox metabolism. In marine sediment cores from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR), the presenc