Jungbluth, Sean P.


Genomic comparisons of a bacterial lineage that inhabits both marine and terrestrial deep subsurface systems

Jungbluth et al. (2017). PeerJ 5
“Desulfopertinax” “Desulfopertinax cowenii” Desulforudis audaxviator Ts
It is generally accepted that diverse, poorly characterized microorganisms reside deep within Earth’s crust. One such lineage of deep subsurface-dwelling bacteria is an uncultivated member of the Firmicutes phylum that can dominate molecular surveys from both marine and continental rock fracture fluids, sometimes forming the sole member of a single-species microbiome. Here, we reconstructed a genome from basalt-hosted fluids of the deep subseafloor along the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank and

Metagenome sequencing and 98 microbial genomes from Juan de Fuca Ridge flank subsurface fluids

Jungbluth et al. (2017). Scientific Data 4 (1)
“Geothermarchaeota” “Hydrothermota” Hydrothermus pacificus Ts Hydrothermarchaeum profundi Ts “Hydrothermarchaeota”
AbstractThe global deep subsurface biosphere is one of the largest reservoirs for microbial life on our planet. This study takes advantage of new sampling technologies and couples them with improvements to DNA sequencing and associated informatics tools to reconstruct the genomes of uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea from fluids collected deep within the Juan de Fuca Ridge subseafloor. Here, we generated two metagenomes from borehole observatories located 311 meters apart and, using binning tools