Dombrowski, Nina


Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes

Eme et al. (2023). Nature 618 (7967)
AbstractIn the ongoing debates about eukaryogenesis—the series of evolutionary events leading to the emergence of the eukaryotic cell from prokaryotic ancestors—members of the Asgard archaea play a key part as the closest archaeal relatives of eukaryotes1. However, the nature and phylogenetic identity of the last common ancestor of Asgard archaea and eukaryotes remain unresolved2–4. Here we analyse distinct phylogenetic marker datasets of an expanded genomic sampling of Asgard archaea and evalua

Undinarchaeota illuminate DPANN phylogeny and the impact of gene transfer on archaeal evolution

Dombrowski et al. (2020). Nature Communications 11 (1)
“Undinarchaeia” “Undinarchaeota” “Naiadarchaeales” “Undinarchaeales” “Naiadarchaeaceae” “Undinarchaeaceae” “Undinarchaeum marinum”
AbstractThe recently discovered DPANN archaea are a potentially deep-branching, monophyletic radiation of organisms with small cells and genomes. However, the monophyly and early emergence of the various DPANN clades and their role in life’s evolution are debated. Here, we reconstructed and analysed genomes of an uncharacterized archaeal phylum (CandidatusUndinarchaeota), revealing that its members have small genomes and, while potentially being able to conserve energy through fermentation, like

An archaeal symbiont-host association from the deep terrestrial subsurface

Schwank et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (8)
“Huberarchaeum crystalense” “Altiarchaeum hamiconexum” “Huberarchaeota”
Abstract DPANN archaea have reduced metabolic capacities and are diverse and abundant in deep aquifer ecosystems, yet little is known about their interactions with other microorganisms that reside there. Here, we provide evidence for an archaeal host-symbiont association from a deep aquifer system at the Colorado Plateau (Utah, USA). The symbiont, Candidatus Huberiarchaeum crystalense, and its host, Ca. Altiarchaeum hamiconexum, show a highly significant co-occurrence pattern over

Asgard archaea capable of anaerobic hydrocarbon cycling

Seitz et al. (2019). Nature Communications 10 (1)
AbstractLarge reservoirs of natural gas in the oceanic subsurface sustain complex communities of anaerobic microbes, including archaeal lineages with potential to mediate oxidation of hydrocarbons such as methane and butane. Here we describe a previously unknown archaeal phylum, Helarchaeota, belonging to the Asgard superphylum and with the potential for hydrocarbon oxidation. We reconstruct Helarchaeota genomes from metagenomic data derived from hydrothermal deep-sea sediments in the hydrocarbo