Plant Health Progress


Alternative hosts of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ identified through surveys and vector gut content analysis

Shires et al. (2025). Plant Health Progress
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
An ongoing outbreak of X-Disease, associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ has resulted in severe economic losses for cherry and stone fruit growers in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in the last decade. Given that this pathogen is transmitted by polyphagous leafhopper species, primarily Colladonus montanus ssp. reductus and C. geminatus in the PNW, alternative plant hosts present a significant management concern. Here we surveyed phytoplasma incidence in non-Prunus plants found in and around

Recovery Plan for X-Disease in Stone Fruit Caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’

Harper et al. (2023). Plant Health Progress
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
Stone fruits are a multibillion-dollar industry for the United States and Canada, one that has repeatedly suffered significant economic losses due to outbreaks of the X-disease phytoplasma (‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’) over the last century. Orchards and entire production areas have been abandoned, with corresponding losses to growers, fruit packers, and consumers. The most recent outbreak, in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, resulted in an estimated $65 million (USD) loss in revenue between 201

First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense’ in North America and in a New Host, Globe Sedge (Cyperus globulosus)

Di Lella et al. (2022). Plant Health Progress
Ca. Phytoplasma brasiliense
A survey of weeds was undertaken in a palm nursery affected by lethal bronzing (LB) to identify a reservoir host of the causal phytoplasma. Three common species were identified; Urochloa maxima (Guineagrass), Sporobolus indicus (smut grass), and Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) and sampled over a period of 2 years. Each species was sampled 36 times and all three species were negative for the LB phytoplasma. However, three specimens of C. esculentus tested positive for the phytoplasma specie

Huanglongbing, Caused by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,’ Detected in New Locations Across Southern and Coastal Georgia

Oliver et al. (2020). Plant Health Progress 21 (1)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening disease is the most devastating disease of citrus worldwide. This disease, caused by the bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), leads to low fruit quality and unproductive trees. In 2008, HLB was found in a residential citrus tree in Savannah, Georgia, and, as a result, the state has been quarantined for this disease since 2009. Nonetheless, little is known about the distribution of CLas within Georgia, even though the commercial planting of

Survey and Detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in a Citrus Nursery Facility in South Texas

Alabi et al. (2014). Plant Health Progress 15 (4)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing (HLB) disease, associated with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), is primarily spread via infected citrus nursery trees and by infective Asian citrus psyllid, the insect vector. Recently, the Texas Department of Agriculture initiated regulations requiring commercial and retail citrus nurseries in Texas to transition from traditional open-field to enclosed facilities with insect-resistant screens to mitigate the risk of nurseries serving as sources of CLas. Although severa

Detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus from Wampee (Clausena lansium Skeels) by Nested PCR

Deng et al. (2007). Plant Health Progress 8 (1)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Wampee (Clausena lansium Skeels) is native to southern China and Southeast Asia. Wampee trees are attractive, with grape-like fruits and a muscat taste and are popular in home gardens. Like other members of Rutaceae, wampee has long been suspected to have yellow shoot disease or Huanglongbing (HLB) and Diaphorina citri, the disease vector, was capable of a long-term survival on Wampee. The authors recommend that eradication of wampee trees surrounding citrus orchards should be part of the overa