Terraquivivens tengchongensis


Formal styling
Terraquivivens tengchongensis Buessecker et al., 2022
Effective publication
Buessecker et al., 2022
SeqCode status
Valid (SeqCode)
Register List
seqco.de/r:slp2ijs4 (validated)
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N.L. fem. adj. tengchongensis, of Tengchong, referring to Tengchong, China, where these organisms were identified from
Nomenclatural type
NCBI Assembly: GCA_023261845.1
Nomenclatural status
Validly published under the SeqCode


Fifteen MAGs for this organism were recovered from several sampling locations in Diretiyanqu, Gumingquan, Jinze and Shuirebaozha thermal springs in the Rehai and Ruidian geothermal fields, Tengchong. Binned genomes for this species ranged between 1,094,328 bp and 1,283,151 bp, in 2 to 160 contigs, and ranged in G+C content from 44.8 to 45.3 %. Completeness estimates for these genomes were between 90.3 and 97.1 %, with contamination estimated at 0-2.91 %, based on CheckM. This species is placed in Terraquivivens, in the family Wolframiiraptoraceae, based on phylogenomic analysis using 122 archaeal marker genes. ANI values within the species range between 98 and 100 %, with all other values to the closest relatives being below species guidelines (79-85 %). In addition to the tungstate (Tup) ABC transporter detected in all members of the genus, the majority of the genomes for this species also encode a wtpA/modA-like protein that is homologous to modA-like sequences previously reported in Pyrobaculum. Most members of this species contain the gene cydA that encodes cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I, which appears to have been gained in only this species in the genus. Also, an unknown ferredoxin oxidoreductase, shared only by the sister species Terraquivivens yellowstonensis, is present in all genomes of this species studied here.
Incertae sedis (Archaea) » “Caldarchaeales” » Wolframiiraptoraceae » Terraquivivens » Terraquivivens tengchongensis
Terraquivivens gtdb


NCBI Assembly:GCA_023261845.1
Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 97.09%
  • Contamination: 0.0%
  • Quality: 97.09
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 1 16S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • 1 23S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • tRNAs for 20 amino acids
Sequencing depth
13.0 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 45.0%
  • Coding Density: 90.96%
  • Codon Table: 11
  • N50: 143,382 bp
  • Contigs: 14
  • Largest Contig: 252,196 bp
  • Assembly Length: 1,221,916 bp
  • Ambiguous Assembly Fraction: 0.0%
Automated checks
See additional details

Last modified about 1 month ago


Outside links and data sources
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Local history
Registered by
Palmer, Marike about 3 years ago
Submitted by
Palmer, Marike over 2 years ago
Validated by
Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Date of priority
2022-09-20 03:37 PM (UTC)


Citation Title
Buessecker et al., 2022, Nature Communications An essential role for tungsten in the ecology and evolution of a previously uncultivated lineage of anaerobic, thermophilic Archaea
Effective publication

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