Inferred to break down a
wide range of organic carbon substrates (Chitin, Pectin, Cellulose and Starch). Capable of performing
aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis (pufLM), and thiosulfate oxidation (soxABCDXYZ), likely performing
osmoregulation using trk1 (K+ transporter) and proXV (Glycine betaine) and inferred to be motile (fliGMN,
motAB gene). Also carries genes for phosphorus uptake and regulation(pho, pst). Based on the genome
reporting standards for MAGs , the estimated completeness 94.41%, contamination 0.3%, and the presence
of the 5S (108 bp), 16S (1,457 bp), and 23S (2, 718bp) rRNA gene and 32 tRNAs. Type genome is
defined as “high-quality” draft MAG, with genome size of 2.6 Mbps