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Diversity and Genomic Characterization of a Novel Parvarchaeota Family in Acid Mine Drainage Sediments

Luo et al. (2020). Frontiers in Microbiology 11
“Acidifodinimicrobiaceae” “Acidifodinimicrobium”
Recent genome-resolved metagenomic analyses of microbial communities from diverse environments have led to the discovery of many novel lineages that significantly expand the phylogenetic breadth of Archaea. Here, we report the genomic characterization of a new archaeal family based on five metagenome-assembled genomes retrieved from acid mine drainage sediments. Phylogenomic analyses placed these uncultivated archaea at the root of the candidate phylum Parvarchaeota, which expand this lesser-kno

Long-Chain Fatty Acids Degradation by Desulfomonile Species and Proposal of “Candidatus Desulfomonile Palmitatoxidans”

Alves et al. (2020). Frontiers in Microbiology 11
Ca. Desulfomonile Ca. Desulfomonile palmitatoxidans
Microbial communities with the ability to convert long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) coupled to sulfate reduction can be important in the removal of these compounds from wastewater. In this work, an enrichment culture, able to oxidize the long-chain fatty acid palmitate (C16:0) coupled to sulfate reduction, was obtained from anaerobic granular sludge. Microscopic analysis of this culture, designated HP culture, revealed that it was mainly composed of one morphotype with a typical collar-like cell wal