Stecher, Bärbel


Ecophysiology and interactions of a taurine-respiring bacterium in the mouse gut

Ye et al. (2023). Nature Communications 14 (1)
Taurinivorans muris Ts Taurinivorans
AbstractTaurine-respiring gut bacteria produce H2S with ambivalent impact on host health. We report the isolation and ecophysiological characterization of a taurine-respiring mouse gut bacterium. Taurinivorans muris strain LT0009 represents a new widespread species that differs from the human gut sulfidogen Bilophila wadsworthia in its sulfur metabolism pathways and host distribution. T. muris specializes in taurine respiration in vivo, seemingly unaffected by mouse diet and genotype, but is dep

Enhanced cultured diversity of the mouse gut microbiota enables custom-made synthetic communities

Afrizal et al. (2022).
Microbiome research is hampered by the fact that many bacteria are still unknown and by the lack of publicly available isolates. Fundamental and clinical research is in need of comprehensive and well-curated repositories of cultured bacteria from the intestine of mammalian hosts. In this work, we expanded the mouse intestinal bacterial collection ( to 212 strains, all publicly available and taxonomically described. This includes the study of strain-level diversity, small-sized b