Brinkhoff, Thorsten


Metagenome-assembled genomes reveal greatly expanded taxonomic and functional diversification of the abundant marine Roseobacter RCA cluster

Liu et al. (2023). Microbiome 11 (1)
Ca. Paraplanktomarina Planktomarina forsetii Planktomarina arctica Planktomarina antarctica “Pseudoplanktomarina bipolaris” Pseudoplanktomarina karensis Ts “Pseudoplanktomarina atlantica” Pseudoplanktomarina
Abstract Background The RCA (Roseobacter clade affiliated) cluster belongs to the family Roseobacteracea and represents a major Roseobacter lineage in temperate to polar oceans. Despite its prevalence and abundance, only a few genomes and one described species, Planktomarina temperata, exist. To gain more insights into our limited understanding of this cluster and its taxonomic and functional diversity and biogeography, we screened metagenomic datasets from the gl