The ISME Journal


The ecology of pelagic freshwater methylotrophs assessed by a high-resolution monitoring and isolation campaign

Salcher et al. (2015). The ISME Journal 9 (11)
“Methylopumilus profundus” Ca. Methylopumilus turicensis “Methylopumilus planktonicus”
Abstract Methylotrophic planktonic bacteria fulfill a particular role in the carbon cycle of lakes via the turnover of single-carbon compounds. We studied two planktonic freshwater lineages (LD28 and PRD01a001B) affiliated with Methylophilaceae (Betaproteobacteria) in Lake Zurich, Switzerland, by a combination of molecular and cultivation-based approaches. Their spatio-temporal distribution was monitored at high resolution (n=992 samples) for 4 consecutive years. LD28 methylotroph

Isolation of an aerobic sulfur oxidizer from the SUP05/Arctic96BD-19 clade

Marshall, Morris (2013). The ISME Journal 7 (2)
Pseudothioglobus singularis Ts Pseudothioglobus Ca. Thioglobus singularis
Abstract Bacteria from the uncultured SUP05/Arctic96BD-19 clade of gamma proteobacterial sulfur oxidizers (GSOs) have the genetic potential to oxidize reduced sulfur and fix carbon in the tissues of clams and mussels, in oxygen minimum zones and throughout the deep ocean (>200 m). Here, we report isolation of the first cultured representative from this GSO clade. Closely related cultures were obtained from surface waters in Puget Sound and from the deep chlorophyll maximum