The ISME Journal


The ecology of pelagic freshwater methylotrophs assessed by a high-resolution monitoring and isolation campaign Salcher et al. (2015). The ISME Journal 9 (11) “Methylopumilus profundus” Ca. Methylopumilus turicensis “Methylopumilus planktonicus”
In situ phenotypic heterogeneity among single cells of the filamentous bacterium Candidatus Microthrix parvicella Sheik et al. (2015). The ISME Journal 10 (5) “Neomicrothrix parvicella”
Genomic insights into the uncultured genus ‘Candidatus Magnetobacterium’ in the phylum Nitrospirae Lin et al. (2014). The ISME Journal 8 (12) Magnetobacterium casense Ts Magnetobacterium
Life in an unusual intracellular niche: a bacterial symbiont infecting the nucleus of amoebae Schulz et al. (2014). The ISME Journal 8 (8) Nucleicultrix Nucleicultrix amoebiphila Ts
Genetic and functional properties of uncultivated MCG archaea assessed by metagenome and gene expression analyses Meng et al. (2014). The ISME Journal 8 (3) “Bathyarchaeota”
‘Candidatus Competibacter’-lineage genomes retrieved from metagenomes reveal functional metabolic diversity McIlroy et al. (2013). The ISME Journal 8 (3) Plasticicumulans “Competibacter denitrificans” “Contendibacter odensensis”
Comparative genomics of two ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter’ clades performing biological phosphorus removal Flowers et al. (2013). The ISME Journal 7 (12) “Accumulibacter”
Metabolic model for the filamentous ‘Candidatus Microthrix parvicella’ based on genomic and metagenomic analyses Jon McIlroy et al. (2013). The ISME Journal 7 (6) “Neomicrothrix parvicella”
Isolation of an aerobic sulfur oxidizer from the SUP05/Arctic96BD-19 clade Marshall, Morris (2013). The ISME Journal 7 (2) Pseudothioglobus singularis Ts Pseudothioglobus Ca. Thioglobus singularis
Nutrient requirements for growth of the extreme oligotroph ‘Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique’ HTCC1062 on a defined medium Carini et al. (2012). The ISME Journal 7 (3) Ca. Pelagibacter ubique