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Development of a TaqMan assay for the detection of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense’ and assessment by high resolution melt-curve analysis (HRMA)

Lane et al. (2024). Plant Disease
Ca. Phytoplasma brasiliense
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense’ (CPB) is a phytoplasma originally discovered in South America and is known to infect a wide variety of economically important crops. It is most prevalent in Hibiscus spp. where it causes witches broom symptoms and papaya where it causes bunchy top. Recently, CPB was documented for the first time in North America in a new host, globe sedge. In this study two qPCR assays are developed, one utilizing high resolution melt curve analysis (HRMA) based on the secA

Metagenome-assembled genome of withering syndrome causative agent, “ Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis,“ from endangered white abalone ( Haliotis sorenseni )

Kunselman et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (6)
Ca. Xenohaliotis californiensis
ABSTRACT The genome of “ Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis” was assembled from shotgun metagenomic sequencing of experimentally infected white abalone. Ninety-one percent genome completeness was achieved with low contamination. Sequencing this genome provides the opportunity to track pathogen evolution over time, conduct gene expression experiments, and study dynamics between this pathogen and its phage.

Eupransor demetentiae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel fructophilic lactic acid bacterium from bumble bees

Botero et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (6)
Strain LMG 33000T was isolated from a Bombus lapidarius gut sample. It shared the highest percentage 16S rRNA sequence identity, average amino acid identity, and amino acid identity of conserved genes with Convivina intestini LMG 28291T (95.86 %, 69.9 and 76.2 %, respectively), and the highest percentage OrthoANIu value with Fructobacillus fructosus DSM 20349T (71.4 %). Phylogenomic analyses by means of 107 or 120 conserved genes consistently revealed Convivina as nearest neighbour genus. The dr

Diversity of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Strains in Texas Revealed by Prophage Sequence Analyses

De Leon et al. (2024). Plant Disease 108 (6)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Prophages/phages are important components of the genome of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), an unculturable alphaproteobacterium associated with citrus huanglongbing (HLB) disease. Phage variations have significant contributions to CLas strain diversity research, which provide critical information for HLB management. In this study, prophage variations among selected CLas strains from southern Texas were studied. The CLas strains were collected from three different CLas inhabitant env