

Modeling the Life Cycle of the Intramitochondrial Bacterium “ Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii” Using Electron Microscopy Data

Comandatore et al. (2021). mBio 12 (3)
Ca. Midichloria mitochondrii
Our results suggest that Midichloria mitochondrii , the intramitochondrial bacterium, does not invade mitochondria like predatory bacteria do but instead moves from mitochondrion to mitochondrion within the oocytes of Ixodes ricinus . A better understanding of the lifestyle of M. mitochondrii will allow us to better define the role of this bacterial symbiont in the host physiology.

Low Global Diversity of Candidatus Microthrix, a Troublesome Filamentous Organism in Full-Scale WWTPs

Nierychlo et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
“Neomicrothrix” “Neomicrothrix subdominans”
CandidatusMicrothrix is one of the most common bulking filamentous microorganisms found in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across the globe. One species,Ca.M. parvicella, is frequently observed, but global genus diversity, as well as important aspects of its ecology and physiology, are still unknown. Here, we use the MiDAS ecosystem-specific 16S rRNA gene database in combination with amplicon sequencing of Danish and global WWTPs to investigateCa.Microthrix spp. diversity, d

“Candidatus Dechloromonas phosphoritropha” and “Ca. D. phosphorivorans”, novel polyphosphate accumulating organisms abundant in wastewater treatment systems

Petriglieri et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (12)
Ca. Dechloromonas phosphoritropha Ca. Dechloromonas phosphorivorans
AbstractMembers of the genus Dechloromonas are often abundant in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems and are recognized putative polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs), but their role in phosphate removal is still unclear. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the abundance and distribution of Dechloromonas spp. in Danish and global wastewater treatment plants. The two most abundant species worldwide revealed in

Genomic insights into diverse bacterial taxa that degrade extracellular DNA in marine sediments

Wasmund et al. (2021). Nature Microbiology 6 (7)
“Izemoplasma acidinucleici” Ca. Izemoplasma Ca. Izemoplasmatales
AbstractExtracellular DNA is a major macromolecule in global element cycles, and is a particularly crucial phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon source for microorganisms in the seafloor. Nevertheless, the identities, ecophysiology and genetic features of DNA-foraging microorganisms in marine sediments are largely unknown. Here, we combined microcosm experiments, DNA stable isotope probing (SIP), single-cell SIP using nano-scale secondary isotope mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) and genome-centric metagen

A Significantly High Abundance of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in Citrus Fruit Pith: in planta Transcriptome and Anatomical Analyses

Fang et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing, a highly destructive disease of citrus, is associated with the non-culturable phloem-limited α-proteobacterium “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas). The distribution patterns of CLas in infected plant are variable and not consistent, which make the CLas detection and characterization more challenging. Here, we performed a systemic analysis of CLas distribution in citrus branches and fruits of 14 cultivars. A significantly high concentration of CLas was detected in fruit pith

Early Population Dynamics of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in Susceptible and Resistant Genotypes After Inoculation With Infected Diaphorina citri Feeding on Young Shoots

Alves et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing is a highly destructive citrus disease associated with “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (Las), a phloem−limited and non-culturable bacterium, naturally transmitted by the psyllid Diaphorina citri. Although diverse approaches have been used to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogen–host interaction, such approaches have focused on already infected and/or symptomatic plants, missing early events in the initial days post-inoculation. This study aimed to identi

Alborzia kermanshahica gen. nov., sp. nov. (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria), isolated from paddy fields in Iran

Nowruzi, Soares (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (6)
Alborzia kermanshahica T Alborzia
In Iran, polyphasic studies of unicellular cyanobacteria are still scarce, with more emphasis being placed on filamentous cyanobacteria in paddy fields and fresh water regions. In an effort to increase the knowledge of the diversity of unicellular cyanobacteria from paddy fields in Iran, we have isolated and characterized a new unicellular cyanobacterium strain. The strain was studied using a polyphasic approach based on morphological, ecological and phylogenetic analyses of the 16S–23S ITS rRNA

Novel dichloromethane-fermenting bacteria in the Peptococcaceae family

Holland et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (6)
Ca. Formimonas warabiya
AbstractDichloromethane (DCM; CH2Cl2) is a toxic groundwater pollutant that also has a detrimental effect on atmospheric ozone levels. As a dense non-aqueous phase liquid, DCM migrates vertically through groundwater to low redox zones, yet information on anaerobic microbial DCM transformation remains scarce due to a lack of cultured organisms. We report here the characterisation of DCMF, the dominant organism in an anaerobic enrichment culture (DFE) capable of fermenting DCM to the environmental