

Phylogenetic analyses of Candidatus Branchiomonas cysticola refine the taxonomic classification of Betaproteobacteria associated with epitheliocystis in fish

Bysveen Mjølnerød et al. (2023). Archives of Microbiology 205 (6)
Ca. Branchiomonas cystocola Ca. Branchiomonas “Branchiomonaceae”
AbstractCandidatus Branchiomonas cysticola is recognized as the most prevalent bacterial agent causing epitheliocystis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Based on its partial 16S rRNA sequence, the bacterium has previously been found to be a member of Burkholderiales in the class Betaproteobacteria. Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) of the bacterium and 60 type strains of Betaproteobacteria using newly identified housekeeping genes (dnaK, rpoC, and fusA) and ribosomal subunit sequences (16S and

Candidatus Alkanophaga archaea from Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent sediment oxidize petroleum alkanes

Zehnle et al. (2023). Nature Microbiology 8 (7)
Ca. Alkanophaga Ca. Syntrophoarchaeum Ca. Thermodesulfobacterium syntrophicum
AbstractMethanogenic and methanotrophic archaea produce and consume the greenhouse gas methane, respectively, using the reversible enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr). Recently, Mcr variants that can activate multicarbon alkanes have been recovered from archaeal enrichment cultures. These enzymes, called alkyl-coenzyme M reductase (Acrs), are widespread in the environment but remain poorly understood. Here we produced anoxic cultures degrading mid-chain petroleum n-alkanes between pentane (

Naming genera after geographical locations. Proposal to emend Appendix 9 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes

Oren, Chuvochina (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5)
Macondimonas Kapaibacterium
Appendix 9, Section E of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes provides guidelines on how to form adjectival specific and subspecific epithets that reflect the geographical location where the organism was found or studied. It does not mention ways of naming genera after geographical locations. We here propose emendation of Appendix 9 with the recommendations on how to form such names. Comments on the implementation of the current wording of Appendix 9, Section E are also made.

Candidatus List. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus phyla

Oren, Göker (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5)
“Caldatribacteriota” “Caldipriscota” “Calescibacteriota” “Canglongiota” “Deferrimicrobiota” “Dormiibacterota” Eremiobacterota “Fermentibacterota” “Fervidibacterota” “Freyrarchaeota” “Geothermarchaeota” “Heilongiota” “Hermodarchaeota” “Hinthialibacterota” “Huberarchaeota” “Hydrogenedentota” “Hydrothermota” “Iainarchaeota” “Kapaibacteriota” “Krumholzibacteriota” “Kryptoniota” “Kerfeldiibacteriota” “Komeiliibacteriota” “Levyibacteriota” “Lindowiibacteriota” “Liptoniibacteriota” “Lloydiibacteriota” “Magasanikiibacteriota” “Margulisiibacteriota” “Martarchaeota” “Melainobacteriota” “Moissliibacteriota” “Montesoliibacteriota” “Nealsoniibacteriota” “Nezhaarchaeota” “Niyogiibacteriota” “Nomuraibacteriota” “Pacearchaeota” “Peregrinibacteriota” “Poribacteriota” “Portnoyibacteriota” “Ratteibacteriota” “Raymondiibacteriota” “Roizmaniibacteriota” “Rokuibacteriota” “Ryaniibacteriota” “Saganiibacteriota” “Schekmaniibacteriota” “Spechtiibacteriota” “Stahliibacteriota” “Staskawicziibacteriota” “Sungiibacteriota” “Tagaibacteriota” “Tayloriibacteriota” “Tectimicrobiota” “Terryibacteriota” “Torokiibacteriota” “Uhriibacteriota” “Vebleniibacteriota” “Wolfeibacteriota” “Woykeibacteriota” “Yanofskyibacteriota” “Yonathiibacteriota” “Zambryskiibacteriota” “Abawacaibacteriota” “Augarchaeota” “Lokiarchaeota” “Macinerneyibacteriota” “Methanomethylicota” “Moduliflexota” “Nanohalarchaeota” “Neomarinimicrobiota” “Odinarchaeota” “Paceibacterota” “Parcunitrobacterota” “Parvarchaeota” “Poseidoniota” “Qinglongiota” “Saccharimonadota” “Sifarchaeota” “Sumerlaeota” “Tianyaibacteriota” “Undinarchaeota” “Wukongarchaeota” “Babelota” “Wirthibacterota” “Rifleibacteriota” “Joergenseniibacteriota” “Kueneniibacteriota” “Jacksoniibacteriota” “Moraniibacteriota” “Shapirobacteriota” “Zixiibacteriota” Cloacimonadota Muiribacteriota “Latescibacterota” “Acetithermota” “Aenigmatarchaeota” “Aerophobota” “Altiarchaeota” “Altimarinota” “Aminicenantota”

Water column dynamics control nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation by Candidatus “Methylomirabilis” in stratified lake basins

Su et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (5)
AbstractWe investigated microbial methane oxidation in the water column of two connected but hydrodynamically contrasting basins of Lake Lugano, Switzerland. Both basins accumulate large amounts of methane in the water column below their chemoclines, but methane oxidation efficiently prevents methane from reaching surface waters. Here we show that in the meromictic North Basin water column, a substantial fraction of methane was eliminated through anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) coupled to nitr