

Genomic diversity and biosynthetic capabilities of sponge-associated chlamydiae

Dharamshi et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (12)
AbstractSponge microbiomes contribute to host health, nutrition, and defense through the production of secondary metabolites.Chlamydiae, a phylum of obligate intracellular bacteria ranging from animal pathogens to endosymbionts of microbial eukaryotes, are frequently found associated with sponges. However, sponge-associated chlamydial diversity has not yet been investigated at the genomic level and host interactions thus far remain unexplored. Here, we sequenced the microbiomes of three sponge s

Multi-Locus Sequencing Reveals Putative Novel Anaplasmataceae Agents, ‘Candidatus Ehrlichia dumleri’ and Anaplasma sp., in Ring-Tailed Coatis (Carnivora: Nasua nasua) from Urban Forested Fragments at Midwestern Brazil

Perles et al. (2022). Microorganisms 10 (12)
Ca. Anaplasma brasiliensis Ca. Ehrlichia dumleri
The Anaplasmataceae family encompasses obligate intracellular α-proteobacteria of human and veterinary medicine importance. This study performed multi-locus sequencing to characterize Ehrlichia and Anaplasma in coati’s blood samples in Midwestern Brazil. Twenty-five samples (25/165—15.1%) were positive in the screening PCR based on the dsb gene of Ehrlichia spp. and were characterized using 16S rRNA, sodB, groEL, and gltA genes and the 23S-5S intergenic space region (ITS). Phylogenetic analyses

Symbiosis between Candidatus Patescibacteria and Archaea Discovered in Wastewater-Treating Bioreactors

Kuroda et al. (2022). mBio 13 (5)
Ca. Patescibacteria
One highly diverse phylogenetic group of Bacteria, Ca . Patescibacteria, remains poorly understood, but, from the few cultured representatives and metagenomic investigations, they are thought to live symbiotically or parasitically with other bacteria or even with eukarya.