Public Names

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“Lyngbya semiplena” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Lyngbya polychroa” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
Lyngbya confervoides T Unknown Valid (ICNafp) Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Moorena” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Moorena bouillonii” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Streptomyces euryhalinus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Nocardiopsis tangguensis” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens subsp. payriae” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Sulfolobus tengchongensis” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Clostridium proteolyticus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Desulfurobacterium crinifex” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
Nitrososphaerota Brochier-Armanet et al., 2008 and Oren, Garrity, 2021 Valid (ICNP) Excubia bot 8 months ago
Cenarchaeales Cavalier-Smith, 2002 and 2 other publications Valid (ICNP) Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Cryocola antiquus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Cryocola” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Streptomyces nanchangensis” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Methylophaga natronica” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
Terriglobales Cavalier-Smith, 2002 and 3 other publications Valid (ICNP) Excubia bot 8 months ago
Terriglobia Thrash, Coates, 2010 and 2 other publications Valid (ICNP) Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Dechlorobacter” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Dechlorobacter hydrogenophilus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Trichodesmium havanum” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Thermosipho ferriphilus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Zooshikellaceae” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Aphanothece naegelii” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Aphanothece nidulans” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Methylocystis methanolicus” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Methylobacter chroococcum” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Pseudomonas tropicalis” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago
“Trichodesmium pelagicum” Unknown Automated discovery Excubia bot 8 months ago