Microbiology Resource Announcements


Metagenome-Assembled Genome of “ Candidatus Aramenus sp. CH1” from the Chichon volcano, Mexico

Marín-Paredes et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (8)
ABSTRACT The Chichon volcano contains several thermal manifestations including an acidic crater lake. Here we report a metagenome-assembled genome of “ Candidatus Aramenus sp. CH1,” a Sulfolobales archaeon inhabiting the crater lake from the Chichon volcano. In this study, we generated a novel Aramenus genome sequence from a thermal area in Southern Mexico.

The complete genome of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini” AshY1 from the ash yellows group

Böhm et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (7)
Ca. Phytoplasma fraxini
ABSTRACT The complete genome of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini” AshY1, originating from Fraxinus americana in North America, was assembled using long reads from single-molecule real-time sequencing technology. The chromosome of 598 kb provides insights into the effector repertoire of a phytopathogenic bacterium from the 16SrVII phytoplasma group.

Circular metagenome-assembled genome of Candidatus Cloacimonadota recovered from anaerobic digestion sludge

Sakurai et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (7)
ABSTRACT This study reports a circular metagenome-assembled genome (cMAG) of Candidatus Cloacimonadota recovered from a mesophilic full-scale food waste treatment plant. The cMAG spans 2,298,113 bp, with 980× coverage and 1 contig.

Metagenome-assembled genome of withering syndrome causative agent, “ Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis,“ from endangered white abalone ( Haliotis sorenseni )

Kunselman et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (6)
Ca. Xenohaliotis californiensis
ABSTRACT The genome of “ Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis” was assembled from shotgun metagenomic sequencing of experimentally infected white abalone. Ninety-one percent genome completeness was achieved with low contamination. Sequencing this genome provides the opportunity to track pathogen evolution over time, conduct gene expression experiments, and study dynamics between this pathogen and its phage.

Circular metagenome-assembled genome of Candidatus Patescibacteria recovered from anaerobic digestion sludge

Sakurai et al. (2024). Microbiology Resource Announcements 13 (4)
ABSTRACT A single-contig, circular metagenome-assembled genome (cMAG) of Candidatus ( Ca. ) Patescibacteria was reconstructed from a mesophilic full-scale food waste treatment plant in Japan. The genome is of small size and lacks fundamental biosynthetic pathways. Taxonomic analysis using the Genome Taxonomy Database revealed that this cMAG belonged to the genus JAEZRQ01 ( Ca

Complete genome sequence of Candidatus Mycobacterium wuenschmannii , a nontuberculous mycobacterium isolated from a captive population of Amazon milk frogs

Zeineldin et al. (2023). Microbiology Resource Announcements 12 (10)
Ca. Mycobacterium wuenschmannii
ABSTRACT A slow growing species of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) was isolated from the liver of an Amazon milk frog. The complete genome of this isolate comprises 5,102,433 bp, exhibiting 66.86% GC content, 4,940 protein-coding sequences, 52 predicted RNA genes, and 39 repeat regions.

Complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma cynodontis” GY2015, a plant pathogen associated with Bermuda grass white leaf disease in Taiwan

Cho et al. (2023). Microbiology Resource Announcements 12 (10)
Ca. Phytoplasma cynodontis
ABSTRACT The complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma cynodontis” strain GY2015, which consists of one 498,922-bp circular chromosome, is presented in this work. This uncultivated plant-pathogenic bacterium is associated with Bermuda grass white leaf disease in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Complete genomes of mutualistic bacterial co-symbionts “ Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” and “ Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola” of the rice green leafhopper Nephotettix cincticeps

Moriyama et al. (2023). Microbiology Resource Announcements 12 (9)
Ca. Nasuia deltocephalinicola Ca. Sulcia muelleri
ABSTRACT The genomes of obligate bacterial co-symbionts of the green rice leafhopper Nephotettix cincticeps , which is notorious as an agricultural pest, were determined. The streamlined genomes of “ Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” and “ Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola” exhibited complementary metabolic pathways for synthesizing essential nutrients that contribute to host adaptation.

Complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni” PR2021, an uncultivated bacterium associated with poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima )

Pei et al. (2023). Microbiology Resource Announcements 12 (9)
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
ABSTRACT The complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni” strain PR2021, which consists of one 705,138 bp circular chromosome and one 4,757 bp circular plasmid, is presented in this work. This bacterium is associated with poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima ) cultivar “Princettia Pink.”