Public Names

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Ca. Allofontibacter

Reported in
Henson et al., 2018 and 2 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Scalindua rubra

Reported in
Ali et al., 2019
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Wolinella africanus

Reported in
García-Amado et al., 2007
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Stammerula trupaneae

Reported in
Viale et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Ehrlichia khabarensis

Reported in
Rar et al., 2015 and Morshed et al., 2020
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Brocadiales

Reported in
Jetten et al., 2015 and Zhao et al., 2022
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Caldiarchaeum subterraneum

Reported in
Takami et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Clavichlamydia

Reported in
Karlsen et al., 2007 and Horn, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Clavichlamydiaceae

Reported in
Horn, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Piscichlamydiaceae

Reported in
Horn, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Brocadiaceae

Reported in
Jetten et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Fritschea

Reported in
Horn, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phlomobacter

Reported in
Garnier, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Paracaedibacter

Reported in
Görtz et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Borrelia algerica

Reported in
Fotso Fotso et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Thioglobus autotrophica

Reported in
Shah, Morris, 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Bartonella hemsundetiensis

Reported in
Lilley et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Profftella armatura

Reported in
Nakabachi et al., 2013 and 4 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Bacteroides periocalifornicus

Reported in
McLean et al., 2015
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Rickettsia mendelii

Reported in
Hajduskova et al., 2016 and 2 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma cirsii

Reported in
Šafárˇová et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Borrelia mayonii

Reported in
Dolan et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Berkiella cookevillensis

Reported in
Mehari et al., 2016 and 3 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Berkiella aquae

Reported in
Mehari et al., 2016 and 2 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrosotalea devanaterra

Reported in
Lehtovirta-Morley et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Adiutrix intracellularis

Reported in
Ikeda-Ohtsubo et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Wolbachia taylori

Reported in
Ramírez-Puebla et al., 2015 and Lindsey et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Wolbachia onchocercicola

Reported in
Ramírez-Puebla et al., 2015 and Lindsey et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Wolbachia multihospitum

Reported in
Ramírez-Puebla et al., 2015 and Lindsey et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Wolbachia collembolicola

Reported in
Ramírez-Puebla et al., 2015 and Lindsey et al., 2016
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago