Public Names

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Ca. Nitrosocosmicus exaquare

Reported in
Sauder et al., 2017 and Sauder et al., 2020
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Rickettsia nicoyana

Reported in
Moreira-Soto et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrosocaldaceae

Reported in
Qin et al., 2017 and Luo et al., 2021
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrosocaldus

Reported in
Qin et al., 2017 and Luo et al., 2021
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Limnosphaera aquatica

Reported in
Kim et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Bartonella sanaae

Reported in
Alsarraf et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Bartonella fadhilae

Reported in
Alsarraf et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Mycoplasma girerdii

Reported in
Costello et al., 2017 and 3 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Vesicomyosocius okutanii

Reported in
McGill, Barker, 2017 and Fujii et al., 2022
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma luffae

Reported in
Davis et al., 2017 and 6 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Smithella cisternae

Reported in
Qin et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Brocadia sapporoensis

Reported in
Narita et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Frankia californiensis

Reported in
Normand et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrospira nitrosa

Reported in
Camejo et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma wodyetiae

Reported in
Naderali et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Actinochlamydia pangasiae

Reported in
Sood et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma noviguineense

Reported in
Miyazaki et al., 2018 and Jones et al., 2021
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Methanoperedens

Reported in
Haroon et al., 2013 and 6 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Fluviicola riflensis

Reported in
Banfield et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma palmae

Reported in
Singh, Ferguson, 2017 and 8 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Trichorickettsia mobilis

Reported in
Sabaneyeva et al., 2018 and 2 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Sulfobium mesophilum

Reported in
Zecchin et al., 2017 and Zecchin et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Sulfobium

Reported in
Zecchin et al., 2017 and Zecchin et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nephrothrix

Reported in
Viana et al., 2017
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma australasiae

Reported in
Omar et al., 2017 and 4 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Neoehrlichia chilensis

Reported in
Müller et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrosocaldus cavascurensis

Reported in
Abby et al., 2017 and Abby et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Nitrosocaldus islandicus

Reported in
Daebeler et al., 2017 and Daebeler et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Paraporphyromonas polyenzymogenes

Reported in
Naas et al., 2018
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago

Ca. Phytoplasma hispanicum

Reported in
Davis et al., 2016 and 4 other publications
Automated discovery
Registered by
Excubia bot over 5 years ago