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Molecular detection of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australasia’ and ‘Ca. P. cynodontis’ in Iraq

Alkuwaiti et al. (2017). Agriculture (Pol'nohospodárstvo) 63 (3)
Ca. Phytoplasma australasia
Abstract The association of phytoplasma was investigated in symptomatic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), eggplant (Solanum melongen L.), mallow (Malva spp.) and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L.) plants exhibiting witches’ broom and white leaf diseases, respectively. Total DNA was extracted from tomato (n=3), eggplant (n=2), mallow (n=2) and Bermuda grass (n=8) samples. Direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using P1/P7 primer set, then PCR products were sequenced.

Rice paddyNitrospiraeencode and express genes related to sulfate respiration: proposal of the new genusCandidatusSulfobium

Zecchin et al. (2017).
Ca. Sulfobium Ca. Sulfobium mesophilum
AbstractNitrospiraespp. distantly related to thermophilic, sulfate-reducingThermodesulfovibriospecies are regularly observed in environmental surveys of anoxic marine and freshwater habitats. However, little is known about their genetic make-up and physiology. Here, we present the draft genome ofNitrospiraebacterium Nbg-4 as a representative of this clade and analyzed itsin situprotein expression under sulfate-enriched and sulfate-depleted conditions in rice paddy soil. The genome of Nbg-4 was a