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Recovery of highly contiguous genomes from complex terrestrial habitats reveals over 15,000 novel prokaryotic species and expands characterization of soil and sediment microbial communities

Sereika et al. (2024).
“Oederibacteriaceae” “Oederibacteriales” “Oederibacteriia” “Oederibacteriota” “Oederibacterium” “Oederibacterium danicum”
AbstractGenomes are fundamental to understanding microbial ecology and evolution. The emergence of high-throughput, long-read DNA sequencing has enabled recovery of microbial genomes from environmental samples at scale. However, expanding the microbial genome catalogue of soils and sediments has been challenging due to the enormous complexity of these environments. Here, we performed deep, long-read Nanopore sequencing of 154 soil and sediment samples collected across Denmark and through an opti

The complete genome sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain 9PA and the characterization of field strains in the Brazilian citriculture

Dutra et al. (2024). mSphere 9 (12)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
ABSTRACT “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas) is associated with citrus huanglongbing, a severe disease with global importance that affects citrus production in Brazil. This study reports the first complete genome of a Brazilian strain of CLas. The genomic structure comparison of strain 9PA with those of 13 complete CLas genomes revealed 9,091 mismatches and 992 gaps/insertions, highlighting eight locally colin

Identification of a Cluster of Benzene Activation Enzymes in a Strictly Anoxic Methanogenic Consortium

Toth et al. (2024).
ABSTRACTThe Oil Refinery (OR) consortium is a model methanogenic enrichment culture for studying anaerobic benzene degradation. Over 80% of the culture’s bacterial community is comprised of two closely related strains of benzene-fermentingDesulfobacterota(designated ORM2a and ORM2b) whose mechanism of benzene degradation is unknown. Two new metagenomes, including a fully closed metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) for ORM2a, enabled a thorough investigation of this culture’s proteome. Among the pro

Chromosome-level Assemblies of Three Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum Vectors: Dyspersa apicalis, Dyspersa pallida, and Trioza urticae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea)

Heaven et al. (2024).
“Liberibacter solanacearum” Ca. Carsonella ruddii
Psyllids are major vectors of plant diseases, including Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (CLso), the bacterial agent associated with 'zebra chip' disease in potatoes and 'carrot yellows' disease in carrot. Despite their agricultural significance, there is limited knowledge on the genome structure and genetic diversity of psyllids. In this study, we provide chromosome-level genome assemblies for three psyllid species known to transmit CLso: Dyspersa apicalis (carrot psyllid), Dyspersa pallida

The complete genome sequence of the crayfish pathogen CandidatusParacoxiella cheracisn.g. n.sp. provides insight into pathogenesis and the phylogeny of the Coxiellaceae family

Ingle et al. (2024).
“Paracoxiella” “Paracoxiella cheracis”
ABSTRACTThe Coxiellaceae bacterial family, within the order Legionellales, is defined by a collection of poorly characterized obligate intracellular bacteria. The zoonotic pathogen and causative agent of human Q fever,Coxiella burnetii, represents the best characterized member of this family. Coxiellaceae establish replicative niches within diverse host cells and rely on their host for survival, making them challenging to isolate and cultivate within a laboratory setting. Here we describe a new

Ecological significance of Candidatus ARS69 and Gemmatimonadota in the Arctic glacier foreland ecosystems

Venkatachalam et al. (2024). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 108 (1)
Abstract  The Gemmatimonadota phylum has been widely detected in diverse natural environments, yet their specific ecological roles in many habitats remain poorly investigated. Similarly, the Candidatus ARS69 phylum has been identified only in a few habitats, and literature on their metabolic functions is relatively scarce. In the present study, we investigated the ecological significance of phyla Ca. ARS69 and Gemmatimonadota in the Arctic glacier foreland (GF) e

Mitochondrial Genome Resource of the Cottony Ash Psyllid, a Host of a Newly Identified ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ Bacterium

Sabaghian et al. (2024). PhytoFrontiers™ 4 (4)
“Liberibacter solanacearum” Liberibacter
Cottony ash psyllid (CAP, Psyllopsis discrepans) is an important, invasive insect pest of ash trees in North America, where it has established populations and is the host of a newly identified strain of ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’. However, not much is known about the diversity of its introduced population. In this study, a CAP mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence was obtained from a collection in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The CAP mitogenome is a circular DNA of 18,824