The ISME Journal


Correction: Cultivation and characterization of Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus exaquare, an ammonia-oxidizing archaeon from a municipal wastewater treatment system Sauder et al. (2020). The ISME Journal 14 (9) Ca. Nitrosocosmicus exaquare
Serial horizontal transfer of vitamin-biosynthetic genes enables the establishment of new nutritional symbionts in aphids’ di-symbiotic systems Manzano-Marı́n et al. (2020). The ISME Journal 14 (1) “Erwinia haradaeae”
Horizontal acquisition of a patchwork Calvin cycle by symbiotic and free-living Campylobacterota (formerly Epsilonproteobacteria) Assié et al. (2020). The ISME Journal 14 (1) “Thiobarbaceae” Ca. Thiobarba
Evolution in action: habitat transition from sediment to the pelagial leads to genome streamlining in Methylophilaceae Salcher et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (11) “Methylopumilus hivernalis” “Methylopumilus profundus” “Methylopumilus” “Methylopumilus planktonicus”
Correction: Phylogenetic, genomic, and biogeographic characterization of a novel and ubiquitous marine invertebrate-associated Rickettsiales parasite, Candidatus Aquarickettsia rohweri, gen. nov., sp. nov Klinges et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 14 (1) Ca. Aquarickettsia rohweri
Culturing the ubiquitous freshwater actinobacterial acI lineage by supplying a biochemical ‘helper’ catalase Kim et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (9) “Planktophila aquatilis” “Planktophila rubra”
Phylogenetic, genomic, and biogeographic characterization of a novel and ubiquitous marine invertebrate-associated Rickettsiales parasite, Candidatus Aquarickettsia rohweri, gen. nov., sp. nov Klinges et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (12) Ca. Aquarickettsia rohweri Ca. Aquarickettsia
An archaeal symbiont-host association from the deep terrestrial subsurface Schwank et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (8) “Huberarchaeum crystalense” “Altiarchaeum hamiconexum” “Huberarchaeota”
Insights into ecological role of a new deltaproteobacterial order Candidatus Acidulodesulfobacterales by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics Tan et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (8) Ca. Acidulodesulfobacterales
“Candidatus Macondimonas diazotrophica”, a novel gammaproteobacterial genus dominating crude-oil-contaminated coastal sediments Karthikeyan et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (8) Macondimonas diazotrophica Ts Macondimonas