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Promoter Characterization in the AT-Rich Genome of the Obligate Endosymbiont “ Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus” Stoll et al. (2009). Journal of Bacteriology 191 (11) Ca. Blochmannia floridanus
Association of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ with Zebra Chip Disease of Potato Established by Graft and Psyllid Transmission, Electron Microscopy, and PCR Secor et al. (2009). Plant Disease 93 (6) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
Description of 'Synergistetes' phyl. nov. and emended description of the phylum 'Deferribacteres' and of the family Syntrophomonadaceae, phylum 'Firmicutes' Jumas-Bilak et al. (2009). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 59 (5) Dethiosulfovibrio Jonquetella Thermovirga Synergistales Synergistia
First Report of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous’ in Potato Tubers with Zebra Chip Disease in Mexico Munyaneza et al. (2009). Plant Disease 93 (5) Ca. Liberibacter psyllaurous
First Report of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous’ in Zebra Chip Symptomatic Potatoes from California Crosslin, Bester (2009). Plant Disease 93 (5) Ca. Liberibacter psyllaurous
Detection and Molecular Characterization of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’-Related Strain Infecting Sasa fortunei in China Zhang et al. (2009). Plant Disease 93 (5) Ca. Phytoplasma asteris
Widespread occurrence of an intranuclear bacterial parasite in vent and seep bathymodiolin mussels Zielinski et al. (2009). Environmental Microbiology 11 (5) “Endonucleibacter bathymodioli”
A retrospective cross-sectional study on “Candidatus arthromitus” associated Rainbow trout gastroenteritis (RTGE) in the UK Del-Pozo et al. (2009). Aquaculture 290 (1-2)
The Ultramicrobacterium “ Elusimicrobium minutum ” gen. nov., sp. nov., the First Cultivated Representative of the Termite Group 1 Phylum Geissinger et al. (2009). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (9) Elusimicrobiota
Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter' species/strains causing huanglongbing disease of citrus in Kenya Magomere et al. (2009). Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 12 (2) Liberibacter