

Proposal to reclassify the proteobacterial classes Deltaproteobacteria and Oligoflexia, and the phylum Thermodesulfobacteria into four phyla reflecting major functional capabilities

Waite et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (11)
Myxococcia Polyangiia Pseudobdellovibrionaceae Bdellovibrionota Oligoflexia “Desulfofervidales” Ca. Desulfofervidaceae Ca. Desulfofervidus “Desulfofervidia” Ca. Magnetomorum “Magnetomoraceae” “Adiutricaceae” Ca. Adiutrix Myxococcota “Adiutricales”
The class Deltaproteobacteria comprises an ecologically and metabolically diverse group of bacteria best known for dissimilatory sulphate reduction and predatory behaviour. Although this lineage is the fourth described class of the phylum Proteobacteria , it rarely affiliates with other proteobacterial classes and is freque

Identification and Characterization of “Candidatus Rickettsia Thierseensis”, a Novel Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia Species Detected in Austria

Schötta et al. (2020). Microorganisms 8 (11)
Rickettsia Ca. Rickettsia thierseensis
Rickettsia spp. are the second most common pathogens detected in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Austria after Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Species belonging to the spotted fever group (SFG) are the causative agents for tick-borne rickettsiosis across the world. So far, only four SFG Rickettsia spp. were detected in Austria, namely R. helvetica, R. raoultii, R. monacensis and R. slovaca. Here, we describe the identification of a new SFG Rickettsia species detected in an I. ricinus tick. Sequencing o

Proposal of 'Candidatus Frankia alpina', the uncultured symbiont of Alnus alnobetula and A. incana that forms spore-containing nitrogen-fixing root nodules

Pozzi et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (10)
Ca. Frankia alpina
The members of the genus Frankia are, with a few exceptions, a group of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic actinobacteria that nodulate mostly woody dicotyledonous plants belonging to three orders, eight families and 23 genera of pioneer dicots. These bacteria have been characterized phylogenetically and grouped into four molecular clusters. One of the clusters, cluster 1 contains strains that induce nodules on Alnus

‘Candidatus Oscillochloris kuznetsovii’ a novel mesophilic filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic Chloroflexales bacterium from Arctic coastal environments

Gaisin et al. (2020). FEMS Microbiology Letters 367 (19)
Ca. Oscillochloris kuznetsovii
ABSTRACT Chloroflexales bacteria are mostly known as filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs that thrive as members of the microbial communities of hot spring cyanobacterial mats. Recently, we described many new Chloroflexales species from non-thermal environments and showed that mesophilic Chloroflexales are more diverse than previously expected. Most of these species were isolated from aquatic environments of mid-latitudes. Here, we present the comprehensive characterization of a new

Assessment of Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) for Identification of Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum from Different Host Plants in Spain

Ruiz-Padilla et al. (2020). Microorganisms 8 (9)
“Liberibacter solanacearum” Liberibacter
Liberibacter is a bacterial group causing different diseases and disorders in plants. Among liberibacters, Candidatus Liberibacter solanaceraum (CLso) produces disorders in several species mainly within Apiaceae and Solanaceae families. CLso isolates are usually grouped in defined haplotypes according to single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes associated with ribosomal elements. In order to characterize more precisely isolates of CLso identified in potato in Spain, a Multilocus Sequence Analysi