Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology


An In Vitro Pipeline for Screening and Selection of Citrus-Associated Microbiota with Potential Anti-“ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Properties Blacutt et al. (2020). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (8) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Detection of a novel Chlamydia species in captive spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) in southeastern Spain and proposal of Candidatus Chlamydia testudinis Laroucau et al. (2020). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 43 (2) Ca. Chlamydia testudinis
Candidatus Mcinerneyibacterium aminivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., the first representative of the candidate phylum Mcinerneyibacteriota phyl. nov. recovered from a high temperature, high salinity tertiary oil reservoir in north central Oklahoma, USA Yadav et al. (2020). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 43 (2) Ca. Mcinerneyibacterium aminivorans Ca. Mcinerneyibacterium “Macinerneyibacteriia” “Macinerneyibacteriales” “Macinerneyibacteriota” “Macinerneyibacteriaceae”
Medium-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis by “ Candidatus Weimeria bifida” gen. nov., sp. nov., and “ Candidatus Pseudoramibacter fermentans” sp. nov Scarborough et al. (2020). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (3) Ca. Pseudoramibacter fermentans “Weimeria bifida”
Controlled replication of ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus ‘ DNA in citrus leaf discs Attaran et al. (2020). Microbial Biotechnology 13 (3) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Lacipirellula parvula gen. nov., sp. nov., representing a lineage of planctomycetes widespread in low-oxygen habitats, description of the family Lacipirellulaceae fam. nov. and proposal of the orders Pirellulales ord. nov., Gemmatales ord. nov. and Isosphaerales ord. nov Dedysh et al. (2020). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 43 (1) Roseiconus
Enterovibrio baiacu sp. nov Azevedo et al. (2020). Current Microbiology 77 (1) Enterovibrio baiacui
Tripartite Symbiosis of an Anaerobic Scuticociliate with Two Hydrogenosome-Associated Endosymbionts, a Holospora -Related Alphaproteobacterium and a Methanogenic Archaeon Takeshita et al. (2019). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (24) Ca. Hydrogenosomobacter endosymbioticus Ca. Hydrogenosomobacter
Host-free biofilm culture of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,” the bacterium associated with Huanglongbing Ha et al. (2019). Biofilm 1 Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Cultivation and functional characterization of 79 planctomycetes uncovers their unique biology Wiegand et al. (2019). Nature Microbiology 5 (1) “Paenistieleria bergensis” “Stieleria magnilauensis”