General Immunology and Microbiology


Development and Validation of a New TaqMan Real-Time PCR for Detection of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ Kogej et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (8) Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
‘ Candidatus Mycoplasma haemoalbiventris’, a novel hemoplasma species in white‐eared opossums ( Didelphis albiventris ) from Brazil Helenita Pontarolo et al. (2020). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 68 (2) Ca. Mycoplasma haemoalbiventris
Sequence Analysis of New Tuf Molecular Types of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ in Iranian Vineyards Jamshidi et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (6) Ca. Phytoplasma Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Isolation of Candidatus Bartonella rousetti and Other Bat-associated Bartonellae from Bats and Their Flies in Zambia Qiu et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (6) Ca. Bartonella rousetti
Proposal of A New Bois Noir Epidemiological Pattern Related to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ Strains Characterized by A Possible Moderate Virulence in Tuscany Pierro et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (4) Ca. Phytoplasma Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Symbionts of the ciliate Euplotes : diversity, patterns and potential as models for bacteria–eukaryote endosymbioses Boscaro et al. (2019). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1907) “Euplotella” “Fujishimia” “Parafinniella” “Anadelfobacter sociabilis” “Bandiella numerosa” “Euplotella sexta” “Finniella dimorpha” “Fujishimia apicalis” “Parafinniella ignota”
Molecular investigation of “ Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos ” in goats and sheep in central China Shi et al. (2018). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 66 (1) Ca. Mycoplasma haemobos
Specific and Accurate Detection of the Citrus Greening Pathogen Candidatus liberibacter spp. Using Conventional PCR on Citrus Leaf Tissue Samples Chen et al. (2018). Journal of Visualized Experiments (136)
“Candidatus Neoehrlichia chilensis” sp. nov.: Molecular detection and characterization of a novel Anaplasmataceae in wild rodents from Valdivia, southern Chile Müller et al. (2018). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65 (2) Ca. Neoehrlichia chilensis
The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria Di Rienzi et al. (2013). eLife 2 “Melainobacteriota” “Gastranaerophilales”