

Environmental Genomics Reveals a Single-Species Ecosystem Deep Within Earth

Chivian et al. (2008). Science 322 (5899)
Desulforudis audaxviator Ts Desulforudis
DNA from low-biodiversity fracture water collected at 2.8-kilometer depth in a South African gold mine was sequenced and assembled into a single, complete genome. This bacterium, Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator , composes >99.9% of the microorganisms inhabiting the fluid phase of this particular fracture. Its genome indicates a motile, sporulating, sulfate-reducing, chemoautotrophic thermophile that can fix its own nitrogen and carbon by using machiner

A psychrophilic crenarchaeon inhabits a marine sponge: Cenarchaeum symbiosum gen. nov., sp. nov

Preston et al. (1996). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (13)
“Cenarchaeum symbiosum”
Archaea, one of the three major domains of extant life, was thought to comprise predominantly microorganisms that inhabit extreme environments, inhospitable to most Eucarya and Bacteria. However, molecular phylogenetic surveys of native microbial assemblages are beginning to indicate that the evolutionary and physiological diversity of Archaea is far greater than previously supposed. We report here the discovery and preliminary characterization of a marine archaeon that inhabits the tissues of a