Jensen, Thomas Bygh Nymann


Closed genomes uncover a saltwater species of Candidatus Electronema and shed new light on the boundary between marine and freshwater cable bacteria

Sereika et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (4)
Electronema halotolerans Electrothrix laxa Electronema Electronema aureum Ts Electrothrix Electrothrix gigas Electrothrix arhusiensis Electrothrix communis Ts
AbstractCable bacteria of theDesulfobulbaceaefamily are centimeter-long filamentous bacteria, which are capable of conducting long-distance electron transfer. Currently, all cable bacteria are classified into two candidate genera:CandidatusElectronema, typically found in freshwater environments, andCandidatusElectrothrix, typically found in saltwater environments. This taxonomic framework is based on both 16S rRNA gene sequences and metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) phylogenies. However, most of

Closed genomes uncover a saltwater species ofCandidatusElectronema and shed new light on the boundary between marine and freshwater cable bacteria

Sereika et al. (2022).
AbstractCable bacteria of theDesulfobulbaceaefamily are centimeter-long filamentous bacteria, which are capable of conducting long-distance electron transfer. Currently, all cable bacteria are classified into two candidate genera:CandidatusElectronema, typically found in freshwater environments, andCandidatusElectrothrix, typically found in saltwater environments. This taxonomic framework is based on both 16S rRNA gene sequences and metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) phylogenies. However, most of