Tyson, Gene W


Draft genome sequence of two “Candidatus Intestinicoccus colisanans” strains isolated from faeces of healthy humans

Zhou et al. (2023). BMC Research Notes 16 (1)
Intestinicoccus colisanans Ts Intestinicoccus
Abstract Objectives In order to provide a better insight into the functional capacity of the human gut microbiome, we isolated a novel bacterium, “Candidatus Intestinicoccus colisanans” gen. nov. sp. nov., and performed whole genome sequencing. This study will provide new insights into the functional potential of this bacterium and its role in modulating host health and well-being. We expect that this data resource will be useful in providing additional insight in

A phylogenomic and ecological analysis of the globally abundant Marine Group II archaea (Ca. Poseidoniales ord. nov.)

Rinke et al. (2019). The ISME Journal 13 (3)
Poseidoniia Thalassarchaeum betae Ts Thalassarchaeum Poseidoniaceae Poseidonia Poseidonia alphae Ts Thalassarchaeaceae Poseidoniales Ca. Poseidonaceae “Nanohalarchaeota” “Poseidoniota”
Abstract Marine Group II (MGII) archaea represent the most abundant planktonic archaeal group in ocean surface waters, but our understanding of the group has been limited by a lack of cultured representatives and few sequenced genomes. Here, we conducted a comparative phylogenomic analysis of 270 recently available MGII metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) to investigate their evolution and ecology. Based on a rank-normalised genome phylogeny, we propose that MGII is an order-level