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A Draft Genome Resource for ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’, the Agent Associated with European Stone Fruit Yellows Disease

Fonseca et al. (2024). PhytoFrontiers™
Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum Ca. Phytoplasma mali
‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ is associated with European stone fruit yellows disease, affecting wild and cultivated species of Prunus at different degrees of susceptibility, and so far is being mainly restricted to Europe. Here, we report draft genome sequences for ‘ Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum’ strains ESFY1 and LNS1, which represent the first available for this species. Strain ESFY1 is the causal agent of the European stone fruit yellows disease of P. persica in Germany, and LNS1 is the ca

Candidatus Uabimicrobium helgolandensis”—a planctomycetal bacterium with phagocytosis-like prey cell engulfment, surface-dependent motility, and cell division

Wurzbacher et al. (2024). mBio 15 (10)
Ca. Uabimicrobium helgolandensis “Uabimicrobium amorphum”
ABSTRACT The unique cell biology presented by members of the phylum Planctomycetota has puzzled researchers ever since their discovery. Initially thought to have eukaryotic-like features, their traits are now recognized as exceptional but distinctly bacterial. However, recently discovered strains again added novel and stunning aspects to the planctomycetal cell biology—shapeshifting by members of the “ S

Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator dominates a 975 m deep groundwater community in central Sweden

Westmeijer et al. (2024). Communications Biology 7 (1)
Desulforudis audaxviator Ts
AbstractThe continental bedrock contains groundwater-bearing fractures that are home to microbial populations that are vital in mediating the Earth’s biogeochemical cycles. However, their diversity is poorly understood due to the difficulty of obtaining samples from this environment. Here, a groundwater-bearing fracture at 975 m depth was isolated by employing packers in order to characterize the microbial community via metagenomes combined with prokaryotic and eukaryotic marker genes (16S and 1

‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ Predicted Effector SAP11-like Alters Morphology of Transformed Arabidopsis Plants and Interacts with AtTCP2 and AtTCP4 Plant Transcription Factors

Drcelic et al. (2024). Pathogens 13 (10)
Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Phytoplasmas are obligate intracellular pathogens that profoundly modify the development, physiology and behavior of their hosts by secreting effector proteins that disturb signal pathways and interactions both in plant and insect hosts. The characterization of effectors and their host-cell targets was performed for only a few phytoplasma species where it was shown that the SAP11 effector alters plant morphology by destabilizing plant transcription factors: TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1-CYCLOIDEA-PROLIFER

Simple Porifera holobiont reveals complex interactions between the host, an archaeon, a bacterium, and a phage

Garritano et al. (2024). The ISME Journal
Zeuxoniibacter Zeuxoniibacter abyssi Ts Nitrosoabyssus spongiisocia Ts Nitrosoabyssus
Abstract The basal metazoan phylum, Porifera (sponges), is increasingly used as a model to investigate ecological and evolutionary features of microbe-animal symbioses. However, sponges often host complex microbiomes, which has hampered our understanding of their interactions with their microbial symbionts. Here, we describe the discovery and characterisation of the simplest sponge holobiont reported to date, consisting of the deep-sea glass sponge Aphrocalistes beatrix and two ne