Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T.


Sustained bacterial N2O reduction at acidic pH

He et al. (2024). Nature Communications 15 (1)
Desulfosporosinus nitrosoreducens
AbstractNitrous oxide (N2O) is a climate-active gas with emissions predicted to increase due to agricultural intensification. Microbial reduction of N2O to dinitrogen (N2) is the major consumption process but microbial N2O reduction under acidic conditions is considered negligible, albeit strongly acidic soils harbor nosZ genes encoding N2O reductase. Here, we study a co-culture derived from acidic tropical forest soil that reduces N2O at pH 4.5. The co-culture exhibits bimodal growth with a Ser

Discovery of the Streamlined Haloarchaeon Halorutilus salinus , Comprising a New Order Widespread in Hypersaline Environments across the World

Durán-Viseras et al. (2023). mSystems 8 (2)
Halorutilaceae Halorutilales
The discovery of the new halophilic archaeon, Halorutilus salinus , representing a novel order, family, genus, and species within the class Halobacteria and phylum Euryarchaeota clearly enables insights into the microbial dark matter, expanding the current taxonomical knowledge of this group of archaea. The in-depth comparative genomic analysis performed on this new taxon revealed one of the first known examples

SeqCode: a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data

Hedlund et al. (2022). Nature Microbiology
Kryptonium mobile Kryptoniaceae Kryptoniia Kryptoniales
AbstractMost prokaryotes are not available as pure cultures and therefore ineligible for naming under the rules and recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP). Here we summarize the development of the SeqCode, a code of nomenclature under which genome sequences serve as nomenclatural types. This code enables valid publication of names of prokaryotes based upon isolate genome, metagenome-assembled genome or single-amplified genome sequences. Otherwise, it is s

Judicial Opinions 112–122

Arahal et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (8)
Polyangiia Terrimicrobiia Endomicrobiia Spirosomataceae
Opinion 112 denies the request to place Seliberia Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963 (Approved Lists 1980) on the list of rejected names because the information provided is insufficient. For the same reason, Opinion 113 denies the request to reject Shewanella irciniae Lee et al. 2006 and Opinion 114 denies the request to reje