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A bacterial pioneer produces cellulase complexes that persist through community succession

Kolinko et al. (2017). Nature Microbiology 3 (1)
“Reconciliibacillus” “Reconciliibacillus cellulosivorans”
AbstractCultivation of microbial consortia provides low-complexity communities that can serve as tractable models to understand community dynamics. Time-resolved metagenomics demonstrated that an aerobic cellulolytic consortium cultivated from compost exhibited community dynamics consistent with the definition of an endogenous heterotrophic succession. The genome of the proposed pioneer population, ‘Candidatus Reconcilibacillus cellulovorans’, possessed a gene cluster containing multidomain glyc

Genome-Enabled Insights into the Ecophysiology of the Comammox Bacterium “ Candidatus Nitrospira nitrosa”

Camejo et al. (2017). mSystems 2 (5)
Ca. Nitrospira nitrosa
Nitrospira -like bacteria are among the most diverse and widespread nitrifiers in natural ecosystems and the dominant nitrite oxidizers in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The recent discovery of comammox-like Nitrospira strains, capable of complete oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, raises new questions about specific traits responsible for the functional versatility and adaptation of this genus to a variety of environments. The availability of