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Characterization of the First Cultured Representative of “ Candidatus Thermofonsia” Clade 2 within Chloroflexi Reveals Its Phototrophic Lifestyle Zheng et al. (2022). mBio 13 (2) “Thermofontia”
Comparative Genomics on Cultivated and Uncultivated Freshwater and Marine “ Candidatus Manganitrophaceae” Species Implies Their Worldwide Reach in Manganese Chemolithoautotrophy Yu et al. (2022). mBio 13 (2) Ca. Manganitrophaceae
Erratum for Zheng et al., “Characterization of the First Cultured Representative of ‘ Candidatus Thermofonsia’ Clade 2 within Chloroflexi Reveals Its Phototrophic Lifestyle” Zheng et al. (2022). mBio 13 (2) “Thermofontia”
Ciclo biológico de Bactericera cockerelli, vector de la enfermedad de punta morada (Candidatus liberobacter) en solanáceas, en los andes centrales ecuatorianos Jácome - Mogro et al. (2022). Revista Investigación Agraria 4 (1)
Candidatus Nealsonbacteria (OD1) in a methanogenic benzene-degrading enrichment culture is likely an ectosymbiotic biomass recycler Chen et al. (2022). “Nealsoniibacteriota”
Response of the Anaerobic Methanotrophic Archaeon Candidatus “Methanoperedens nitroreducens” to the Long-Term Ferrihydrite Amendment Cai et al. (2022). Frontiers in Microbiology 13
Methanosaeta and “ Candidatus Velamenicoccus archaeovorus” Kizina et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (7) “Velaminicoccus archaeovorus” “Velaminicoccus”
Methane-Dependent Extracellular Electron Transfer at the Bioanode by the Anaerobic Archaeal Methanotroph “Candidatus Methanoperedens” Ouboter et al. (2022). Frontiers in Microbiology 13 Ca. Methanoperedens
Elma (Malus domestica) Ağaçlarından Elde Edilen Endofitik Fungusların Elma Çoklu Sürgün Fitoplazma Hastalığı (Candidatus Pyhtoplasma mali) Üzerine Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi YAVUZ et al. (2022). Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 27 (1) Ca. Pyhtoplasma mali
Culexarchaeia, a novel archaeal class of anaerobic generalists inhabiting geothermal environments Kohtz et al. (2022). “Culexarchaeia”