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Incidence of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter europaeus’ and phytoplasmas in Cacopsylla species (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and their host/shelter plants Camerota et al. (2012). Phytoparasitica 40 (3) Ca. Liberibacter europaeus
A Novel Betaproteobacterial Agent of Gill Epitheliocystis in Seawater Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Toenshoff et al. (2012). PLoS ONE 7 (3) Ca. Branchiomonas Ca. Branchiomonas cystocola
Verminephrobacter aporrectodeae sp. nov. subsp. tuberculatae and subsp. caliginosae, the specific nephridial symbionts of the earthworms Aporrectodea tuberculata and A. caliginosa Lund et al. (2012). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 101 (3) “Verminephrobacter aporrectodeae subsp. tuberculatae”
Examining the chemistry and magnetism of magnetotactic bacterium Candidatus Magnetovibrio blakemorei strain MV-1 using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Kalirai et al. (2012). Chemical Geology 300-301 Ca. Magnetovibrio blakemorei
Curent Situation of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in Guangdong, China, Where Citrus Huanglongbing Was First Described DENG et al. (2012). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 11 (3) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” Associated with Psyllid-Affected Carrots in Norway Munyaneza et al. (2012). Plant Disease 96 (3) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
First Report of Zebra Chip Disease and “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” on Potatoes in Idaho Crosslin et al. (2012). Plant Disease 96 (3) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
First Report of Zebra Chip Disease and “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” on Potatoes in Oregon and Washington State Crosslin et al. (2012). Plant Disease 96 (3) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” Associated with Psyllid-Affected Carrots in Sweden Munyaneza et al. (2012). Plant Disease 96 (3) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
Detection ofRickettsia parkeriandCandidatusRickettsia andeanae inAmblyomma maculatumGulf Coast Ticks Collected from Humans in the United States Jiang et al. (2012). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12 (3) Ca. Rickettsia andeanae