Molecular Biology


Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Cronobacter colletis” NCTC 14934 T , a New Species in the Genus Cronobacter

Masood et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (3)
Ca. Cronobacter colletis
ABSTRACT Members of the Cronobacter genus are associated with serious infections in neonates. This is the first report of the draft genome sequence for the newly proposed species Cronobacter colletis .

Whole-Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” from Guangdong, China

Zheng et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
ABSTRACT The draft genome sequence of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain A4, isolated from a mandarin citrus in Guangdong, People's Republic of China, is reported. The A4 strain has a genome size of 1,208,625 bp, G+C content of 36.4%, 1,107 predicted open reading frames, and 53 RNA genes.

Draft Genome Sequence of the Sulfolobales Archaeon AZ1, Obtained through Metagenomic Analysis of a Mexican Hot Spring

Servín-Garcidueñas, Martínez-Romero (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (2)
“Aramenus sulfurataquae” “Aramenus”
ABSTRACT The Sulfolobales archaea have been found inhabiting acidic hot springs all over the world. Here, we report the 1.798-Mbp draft genome sequence of the thermoacidophilic Sulfolobales archaeon AZ1, reconstructed from the metagenome of a Mexican hot spring. Sequence-based comparisons revealed that the Sulfolobales archaeon AZ1 represents a novel candidate genus.

Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Halobonum tyrrellensis” Strain G22, Isolated from the Hypersaline Waters of Lake Tyrrell, Australia

Ugalde et al. (2013). Genome Announcements 1 (6)
Ca. Halobonum tyrrellensis
ABSTRACT We report the draft 3.675-Mbp genome sequence of “ Candidatus Halobonum tyrrellensis” strain G22, a novel halophilic archaeon isolated from the surface hypersaline waters of Lake Tyrrell, Australia. The availability of the first genome from the “ Candidatus Halobonum” genus provides a new genomic resource for the comparative genomic analysis of halophilic Archaea .