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An update on the presence of Leucomigus candidatus candidatus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Lixinae) in Romania

Olariu et al. (2023). Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 66 (2)
This survey presents the first precise records of Leucomigus candidatus candidatus (Pallas, 1781) in Romania, confirming thus the presence of this species almost a century after its first and single record. Furthermore, ecology, habitat preference and distribution are discussed. We illustrate this taxon with high quality macro photographs, including the male genitalia with the everted and inflated endophallus. Comparative plates with similar-looking species are provided. New localities from Roma

A comprehensive overview of the Chloroflexota community in wastewater treatment plants worldwide

Comparative genomics of symbiotic Photobacterium using highly contiguous genome assemblies from long read sequences

Gould, Henderson (2023). Microbial Genomics 9 (12)
“Photobacterium acropomis”
This study presents the assembly and comparative genomic analysis of luminous Photobacterium strains isolated from the light organs of 12 fish species using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing. The majority of assemblies achieved chromosome-level continuity, consisting of one large (>3 Mbp) and one small (~1.5 Mbp) contig, with near complete BUSCO scores along with varying plasmid sequences. Leve