Environmental Engineering


Role of c-di-GMP in anammox aggregation and systematic analysis of its turnover protein in Candidatus Jettenia caeni Guo et al. (2017). Water Research 113 Ca. Jettenia caeni
Discovery and metagenomic analysis of an anammox bacterial enrichment related to Candidatus “Brocadia caroliniensis” in a full-scale glycerol-fed nitritation-denitritation separate centrate treatment process Park et al. (2017). Water Research 111
Denitrification of nitrate and nitrite by ‘Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis’ clade IC Saad et al. (2016). Water Research 105 “Accumulibacter phosphatis”
Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis clades enriched under cyclic anaerobic and microaerobic conditions simultaneously use different electron acceptors Camejo et al. (2016). Water Research 102 “Accumulibacter phosphatis”
Denitrifying phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater and dynamics of “Candidatus Accumulibacter” and denitrifying bacteria based on genes of ppk1, narG, nirS and nirK Zeng et al. (2016). Bioresource Technology 207 “Accumulibacter”
Influence of nitrite accumulation on “Candidatus Accumulibacter” population structure and enhanced biological phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater Zeng et al. (2016). Chemosphere 144 “Accumulibacter”
High-temperature EBPR process: The performance, analysis of PAOs and GAOs and the fine-scale population study of Candidatus “Accumulibacter phosphatis” Ong et al. (2014). Water Research 64
Effect of temperature on denitrifying methanotrophic activity of ‘Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera’ Kampman et al. (2014). Water Science and Technology 70 (10) Methylomirabilis oxygeniifera Ts
Simple, rapid and effective preservation and reactivation of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacterium “Candidatus Brocadia sinica” Ali et al. (2014). Water Research 57 Ca. Brocadia sinica
The potential role of ‘Candidatus Microthrix parvicella’ in phosphorus removal during sludge bulking in two full-scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal plants Wang et al. (2014). Water Science and Technology 70 (2) “Neomicrothrix parvicella”